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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-95-EKO4-1
Report Title:Report of the Nordic Dispersion-/Trajectory Model Comparison with the ETEX-1 Fullscale Experiment - NKS/EKO-4 Intercomparison/validation Exercise held at Risø, Denmark, 6-7 June 1995
Activity Acronym:EKO-4
Authors:Edited by Ulf Tveten, Torben Mikkelsen
Abstract:On the 6th and 7th June 1995 a meeting was held at Riso, where calculations of the atmospheric transportation and dispersion of the ETEX-1 release carried out by a number of institutions in the Nordic countries were presented. Also presented were the results of the measurements carried out by the National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark, information previously not known to the participants in the meeting. This provided not only an opportunity of intercomparing the models, but also of carrying out a validation exercise. The main points from the concluding discussions are also included in this report.
Publication date:01 Jun 1995
ISBN:ISBN: 87-550-2118-2
Number of downloads:2815
Download:pdf NKS-95-EKO4-1.pdf
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