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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Severe accidents
Report Number:NKS-428
Report Title:Scenarios and Phenomena Affecting Risk of Containment Failure and Release Characteristics
Activity Acronym:SPARC
Authors:Weimin Ma, Walter Villanueva, Sevostian Bechta, Qiang Guo, Andrei Komlev, Mohsen Hoseyni, Peng Yu, Anna Korpinen, Veikko Taivassalo, Tero Tyrväinen, Ilkka Karanta, Anders Riber Marklund, Sergey Galushin, Ola Bäckström,
Abstract:Objective of the project “Scenarios and Phenomena Affecting Risk of Containment Failure and Release Characteristics”, dubbed SPARC, is to produce new data, and to develop models and methodologies for addressing severe accident scenarios and phenomena which are important to assess the risk of containment failure and radioactivity release in a postulated severe accident of Nordic nuclear power plants. During 2018 substantial advances in experimental and analytical capabilities as well new insights into physical mechanisms were gained at KTH, VTT and LRC for: (i) development of experimental facilities of SIMECO-2, MRSPOD and POMECO-Q for studies of melt pool convection as well as remelting and quenching of debris beds; (ii) validation of the MEWA code for coolability analysis of particulate beds, and its applications to reactor-scale debris beds; (iii) experimental investigations on quenching of a hot sphere in a seawater pool and single molten droplet steam explosion in sea water; (iv) modeling of melt infiltration through particulate beds, and its validation against the REMCOD experiment; (v) coupled thermal-mechanical analysis approach and its validation against the FOREVER-EC2 experiment; (vi) study of a dynamic containment event tree modelling particularly focusing on the modelling of timings of events and uncertainty analysis; (vii) the comparison of MEWA and DECOSIM simulations for the post-dryout conditions of the same idealized particulate beds; and (viii) the application of a dynamic approach (such as ROAAM+) to PSA for an enhanced probabilistic risk analysis.
Keywords:IDPSA, Severe Accident, Deterministic Analysis, ROAAM+
Publication date:23 Oct 2019
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-518-2
Number of downloads:1619
Download:pdf NKS-428.pdf
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