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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Automation and control room
Report Number:LIT(85)5
Report Title:Computer aided operation of complex systems - experimental testing and evaluation
Activity Acronym:LIT-3.2/3.3
Authors:L.P. Goodstein (edt.)
Abstract:Advanced technology is having the effect that industrial systems are becoming more highly automated and do not rely on human intervention for the control of normally planned and/or predicted situations. Thus the importance of the operator has shifted from being a manual controller to becoming more of a systems manager and supervisory controller. At the same time, the use of advanced information technology in the control room and its potential impact on human-machine system capabilities places additional demands on the designer. This report deals with work carried out to describe the plant operator relationship in order to systematize the design and evaluation of suitable information systems in the control room. This design process starts with the control requirements f r om the plant and transforms them into corresponding sets of decision-making tasks with appropriate allocation of responsibilities between computer and operator. To further effectivize this cooperation, appropriate information display and accession are identified. The conceptual work has been supported by experimental studies on a small-scale simulator.
Publication date:01 Sept 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 87-550-1157-8
Number of downloads:3408
Download:pdf 133.PDF
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