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NKS Programme Area:
Research Area:
Emergency preparedness
Report Number:
Report Title:
Deposition and removal of radioactive substances in an urban area
Activity Acronym:
Jørn Roed
Radiation doses received by the population of a contaminated
urban area have been estimated. Possible dose reduction measures
and their cost-effectiveness are investigated. Potentially
important parameters influencing the doses have also been
studied. They include distribution of contamination following
both wet and dry deposition, run-off, weathering, shielding,
resuspension, indoor deposition, the relative airborne concentrations
indoors and outdoors,and forced decontamination. It
is shown that contamination of the green areas in an urban
complex is generally a major contributor to dose. A study of the
cost-effectiveness of different clean-up procedures indicates
that decontamination of green areas and streets are relatively
cost-effective and would rank highly in a list of priorities.
Following a contamination due to a reactor accident, the dose
rate to an individual will generally be less in an urban area
than in a rural environment.