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NKS Programme Area:
Research Area:
Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:
Report Title:
The NKS-NORCMASS guide to beginners in ICP-MS
Activity Acronym:
Lindis Skipperud, Per Roos, Petra Appelblad, Anna Sjögren
This text is meant as a guide for those who wishes to approach the field of ICP mass spectrometry for one purpose or another. In principle any mass spectrometer consists of three parts: An ion source, a mass analyser and a detector. These three parts will be treated separately in the text before focusing on the specific issues concerning ultra trace measurements and isotope ratios of radioisotopes. The text includes some general considerations with practical tips which are useful to the novel user when doing sample analysis with ICP-MS. It also includes a short training course consisting of five exercises.
ICP-MS; Mass spectrometry; training course; isotope ratio measurements