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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement strategy, technolocy and QA
Report Number:NKS-259
Report Title:GammaWorkshops Proceedings
Activity Acronym:Gamma Workshop
Authors:Henrik Ramebäck, Elisabeth Strålberg, Seppo Klemola, Sven P. Nielsen, Sigurður Emil Pálsson
Abstract:Due to a sparse interaction during the last years between practioners in gamma ray spectrometry in the Nordic countries, a NKS activity was started in 2009. This GammaSem was focused on seminars relevant to gamma spectrometry. A follow up seminar was held in 2010. As an outcome of these activities it was suggested that the 2011 meeting should be focused on practical issues, e.g. different corrections needed in gamma spectrometric measurements. This three day’s meeting, GammaWorkshops, was held in September at Risø-DTU. Experts on different topics relevant for gamma spectrometric measurements were invited to the GammaWorkshops. The topics included efficiency transfer, true coincidence summing corrections, self-attenuation corrections, measurement of natural radionuclides (natural decay series), combined measurement uncertainty calculations, and detection limits. These topics covered both lectures and practical sessions. The practical sessions included demonstrations of tools for e.g. corrections and calculations of the above meantioned topics.
Keywords:Gamma spectrometry, Efficiency transfer, self-absorption correction, true coincidence correction, natural radioactivity, uncertainty, detection limit
Publication date:01 Jan 2012
ISBN:NKS 978-87-7893-331-7
Number of downloads:2908
Download:pdf NKS-259.pdf
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