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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisational issues and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-357
Report Title:Safety Demonstration Planning for Digital I&C Projects – Challenges, Future Directions and Improving Guidance
Activity Acronym:PLANS
Authors:Vikash Katta, Pontus Ryd, Janne Valkonen,
Abstract:Licensee should submit a safety demonstration case and supporting documentation to the regulator describing how safety has been achieved. However, more often, submittals to regulators consist of vast amount of documentation without providing any explicit argumentation on how this documentation supports safety demonstration. There are large differences in current practice in different countries for safety demonstration, as well as some common challenges. The project aims to address some of these challenges by providing detailed guidance on how to plan and perform safety demonstration for Digital Instrumentation and Control (DI&C) systems in Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The project elicited the experiences and challenges related to safety demonstration of DI&C facing the NPP industry by organizing industry expert workshops. The experts who participated in the workshop recommended future activities for the project. These future activities reflect the needs of the industry in order to address some of the challenges related to safety demonstration. One need of the industry is the clarification of how to perform safety demonstration and how safety demonstration is related to the existing system engineering process. Another need is a multidisciplinary approach for safety demonstration that should involve personnel from different disciplines (e.g. I&C, safety, management, process) across organisation at the early stages of the project and plan for how to achieve and demonstrate safety. The project has refined a guide for planning safety demonstration, called Safety Demonstration Plan Guide (SDPG) to address some of the challenges and needs of the industry. As per SDPG, the contents of the safety demonstration can be organised effectively using a set of Safety Subject Areas (SSA). SSA is an aspect of safety and the complete set of SSAs constitute the safety demonstration case. SDPG’s refinement involved detailing on some of the SSAs. As a starting point for future work, the project has provided an overview on the topic of system engineering and the role of safety demonstration in the overall systems engineering process.
Keywords:Safety demonstration, safety demonstration planning, safety case
Publication date:26 Febr 2016
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-441-3
Number of downloads:2103
Download:pdf NKS-357.pdf
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