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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Reactor physics
Report Number:NKS-387
Report Title:Development of a hybrid neutron transport solver in 2 energy groups
Activity Acronym:HYBRID
Authors:Sebastian Carbol, Mikael Andersson, Christophe Deamzière, Jaakko Leppänen,
Abstract:This project investigates the feasibility of performing reactor physics calculations for nuclear cores using a hybrid neutron transport methodology, by combining deterministic and probabilistic modelling techniques. In the presented implementation, a deterministic response matrix method was developed in Matlab. The necessary probabilities appearing in the response matrix method were estimated in advance using a probabilistic solver – the Monte Carlo code Serpent2. Ultimately, the hybrid framework will combine the advantages of the deterministic approach (fast running calculations) with the ones of the probabilistic approach (high flexibility in modelling any geometry and high accuracy). In the response matrix method, two grids are used: one fine grid for estimating the scalar neutron flux and a coarse grid for computing the neutron currents on this grid. Because of the large efforts developing a new computational framework represents and because such a developmental work is error-prone, this first phase of the project implemented and tested the hybrid framework on a system as simple as possible: a two-dimensional representation of a simplified BWR fuel assembly. Such a choice was governed by the necessity to lower the computational time and to have a tractable system during the developmental phase of the framework. The development of the hybrid route was demonstrated to be feasible, after some modifications of the Serpent2 code. Although promising, the solution computed by the framework was demonstrated to be not fully realistic. Additional investigations are necessary to identify the root cause of the observed deviations from the expected physical behaviour of the system.
Keywords:nuclear reactor calculations, neutron transport, deterministic methods, probabilistic methods, hybrid methods
Publication date:25 Apr 2017
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-473-4
Number of downloads:2269
Download:pdf NKS-387.pdf
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