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NKS NewsFlash 39

24 August, 2012


REMINDER - NKS-B GammaWorkshops 2012

A series of linked workshops on gamma spectrometry, following up issues identified at the two GammaSem seminars, held in 2009 and 2010, and the GammaWorkshops held at Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Roskilde, in 2011The previous workshop and seminars have aimed at focus on topics of relevance for the participants, including methods for corrections and calibrations in gamma spectrometry.  The feedback has been positive, last year one of the participants in the workshop commented that it had been the “most interesting and useful workshop ever attended”.

The accident at the Fukushima NPP highlighted many challenges in modern gamma spectrometry, such as dealing with complex spectra not encountered on a routine basis, application of appropriate corrections (such as true coincidence summing), estimation of ground contamination and radionuclide concentrations in soils in general. The previous workshop in 2011 highlighted some of the challenges of sampling and measuring soil cores. This time there will be presentations on gamma spectrometric in-situ measurements as an alternative to soil core measurements. This can be important, especially for assessing contamination of large areas.


(10:00 UTC, 12:00 central European time)

Information about the workshops:

Time: 11th-12th September 2012

Place: Hotel Örk, Hveragerði, Iceland. Information about the hotel and surroundings can be found here:

The form of the GammaWorkshops is to enable the users to address the problems in gamma spectrometry they find most pressing, through lectures and practical exercises in addition to sharing their experience with others in a similar position. The main topics at this year’s workshops are: 

  • Lessons learned from Fukushima including work on real spectra
  • In-situ gamma spectrometry, theory and practice
  • Alternative types of detectors
  • Background components in gamma spectra
  • User experience with new techniques

The programme is being prepared by a working group consisting of: Elisabeth Strålberg (IFE), Sigurður Emil Pálsson (IRSA), Henrik Ramebäck (FOI), Sven P. Nielsen (DTU/Risø) and Seppo Klemola (STUK). Updated information, detailed agenda and links to technical background material will be available on the GammaWiki web site:

Lecturers at the seminar will be Dr. Sandor Tarjan, Dr. Tim Vidmar, Dr. Andrew Tyler, Dr. Annika Tovedal and  members of the GammaWorkshops working group. A detailed agenda can be found at the GammaWikiweb site.

Details concerning hotel reservation and transport between Keflavik/Reykjavik and Hveragerði can also be found at the GammaWiki web site.

In order to facilitate planning, we would appreciate if those interested in participating would fill out and return the enclosed registration form to as soon as possible. Extended deadline for registration is Monday 3 September 2012, at 10:00 UTC (12:00 central European time).

Contact persons are Elisabeth Strålberg ( and Sigurður Emil Pálsson (

Best regards and hoping to see many  of you at the GammaWorkshops in September.


Elisabeth Strålberg

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