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NKS NewsFlash 102

September 23, 2021


News on Upcoming Seminars  



Workshop: Credible release scenarios for nuclear-powered vessels operating in Nordic waters 

5-6 October 2021, Holmen Fjordhotell, Asker outside Oslo, Norway 

The Nordic countries are surrounded by large ocean areas where there is frequent traffic of foreign nuclear-powered vessels, both naval and civilian. All Nordic countries have such vessels operating in their economic zones, and some countries in their territorial waters. In addition, Norway receives visits from NATO naval nuclear-powered vessels in sheltered waters or to harbour on a regular basis. New emerging technologies and designs such as floating nuclear power plants, vessels with small modular reactors etc., are of increasing concern. Having a good understanding of the risks and hazards presented by these vessels, is an important fundament for both regulation and emergency preparedness and response. 

The purpose of the NKS-B CRESCENT project is to review and update existing information and establish credible scenarios and release pathways for incidents and accidents related to nuclear-powered vessels operating in Nordic waters. The workshop will be followed up by a second workshop 23-24 November 2021 in Iceland. 

Topics on the workshop: 
1. Introduction – National EPR arrangements and approaches to NPVs 
2. Past incidents and accidents 
3. Reactor designs, fuel specifications and review of available literature 

Presentations will be given by the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA), the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority (IRSA), the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK), the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), Vysus group and others. 

There will be a workshop dinner in the evening on 5 October. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, it will be possible to attend the workshop by video conference. 


Participants in need of accommodation are asked to book rooms independently ( Please note that the hotel has a limited number of rooms available. 

Registration/Contact person: 

Please register your participation as soon as possible by e-mail to, preferably not later than Sunday 26 September 2021. Please note if you will participate in the workshop dinner and if you will attend the workshop physically or by video conference. 


NKS-B GammaRay X  

Webinar for users of gamma-ray spectrometry  

20-21 October 2021  

The Roman numeral X in the acronym refers to the tenth event in the popular series of gamma-ray seminars although this time it will be organized as a webinar. The webinar is relevant to all gamma spectrometry practitioners in the Nordic countries. Especially students and younger scientists are encouraged to attend. The scope will be broad allowing a range of topics in gamma-ray spectrometry to be addressed from basic to advanced aspects. High-level international experts have been invited to give talks on selected topics and challenges in gamma-ray spectrometry. 

The webinar is organized by STUK using MS Teams. Detailed information is available at the GammaWiki site where you can find a registration form. Further instructions and the webinar link will be sent to the registered participants in due time. 



Workshop and User Seminar 

22-26 November 2021, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden  

Seminar Venue: 

The workshop and seminar will take place at Chalmers Johanneberg campus – located in Gothenburg on the west coast in Sweden. 

The seminar consists of two parts: 

22nd to 26th of November: SIMS workshop at Chalmers Johanneberg Campus and the Bioventure Hub, Mölndal (Now fully booked) 

24th November: Invited lectures and presentations from participants, a combination of online (zoom) and on-site at Chalmers in lecture hall KC(Open for all)  

Seminar Objectives: 

The seminar aims to strengthen the education of MSc/PhD students and young scientists and to increase competence of staff involved to explore the application of SIMS techniques for different purposes in nuclear and radiochemistry fields. 

The workshop will consist of a theoretical part focusing on SIMS principles and lectures from specialists on correlated techniques like AMS, ICP-MS, gamma and X-ray spectroscopy, electron microscopy. This will be followed by, and second practical part focusing on SIMS training focusing on data acquisition, data mining, data interpretations, isotopic imaging of radionuclides of a few samples along with certified materials or standards to demonstrate the capabilities of the SIMS. 

Seminar Organizers:  

    Chalmers University of Technology/Göteborg University   

    Norwegian University of Life Sciences  

    Technical University of Denmark   

    Totalförsvarets forskninginstitut  

    University of Helsinki  


Please fill out the registration form : 

Registration deadline 20th November 2021.  The registration is free. Zoom linked will be provided after registration. Light refreshment will be provided. Participants are expected to cover their own travel and subsistence costs.  

Contact Person: 

Per Malmberg (, +4631-7728321. 



New Publications 



The following NKS-R reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link. 



Sep 2021 

Pavel Kudinov, Xicheng Wang, Dmitry Grishchenko, Markku Puustinen, Antti Räsänen, Eetu Kotro, Kimmo Tielinen, Lauri Pyy, Timo Pättikangas, Ari Silde, Jouni Syrjänen:  Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena of the Suppression Pool - Summary of 2020 activities 



View document 


The following NKS-B reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.  



Jun 2021 

Christopher L. Rääf, Robert R. Finck, Vikas C. Baranwal, Jonas Boson, Antanas Bukartas, Marie-Andrée Dumais, Kjartan Guðnason, Marjan Ilkov, Gísli Jónsson, Mattias Jönsson, Simon Karlsson, Marie Lundgaard Davidsdóttir, Frode Ofstad, Jan Steinar Rønning, Petri Smolander, Mikael Westin: Detection of orphan gamma radiation sources in shielded building geometries by mobile gamma spectrometry. A method of using Compton scattered radiation to estimate the shielding mass thickness of common building material 



View document 



Jun 2021 

Hosseini, A., Avila, R., Hryhorenko, D., Brown, J., Peltonen, T., Virtanen, S., Nielsen, S., Gudnason, K.:  EcoFood - A tool for assessment of radiation exposure in terrestrial environments impacted by airborne releases 




View document 


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