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NKS NewsFlash 87

October 31, 2018


Nordic Nuclear and Radiation Risk Estimates - Advances and Uncertainties


Joint NKS-R and NKS-B Seminar, Finlandshuset, Stockholm, 15-16 January 2019 (3rd announcement)


NKS proudly announces a new joint NKS-R and NKS-B seminar, which is scheduled to start at 13:00 on the 15th of January and end at 15:30 on the 16th of January 2019. 


The seminar objectives will be broad and focus on considerations of risk in different types of nuclear and radiological cases. The presentations will be given by representatives of consortia in recent NKS projects and by internationally renowned invited speakers covering a wide range of topics.


The opening key lecture will be given by Dr Claire Cousins, chair of ICRP.


The main topical sessions relate to risk processes at power plants, risks to the population from accidental releases to the environment, and challenges in decommissioning, a topic of considerable importance over the next many years in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Also different topics, including NORM, will be on the agenda. 


The element of uncertainty will be maintained in focus in all presentations. Recent NKS work has attracted much attention internationally on for example uncertainty evaluation in accident risk aspect estimation, and methods to use this in decision-making and to communicate it to the public. 


A draft version of the seminar programme is now available and can be found on the main NKS webpage:


The seminar will provide an overview of the current state of development in Nordic risk evaluation, both in relation to nuclear power production and in relation to radiation exposure in different other contexts, and particularly discuss recent advances, uncertainties, ideas for improvement and potential future NKS activities.


In the longer perspective, ideas and thoughts for future work and follow up from, e.g., industries, authorities, expert communities and NKS should be the outcome of the seminar.


We cordially invite you to come and take part in the discussions.


To register for this seminar, please go to the main NKS web page

There is no registration fee.


More information will follow in later announcements.


Poster call for this seminar


The seminar in Stockholm on 15-16 January 2019 will include a poster session. We warmly welcome poster presentations on recent NKS activities or on other topics related to the two NKS programme areas (for further information, please visit the NKS-R and NKS-B homepages). 


To register your poster for the seminar, please write an abstract using the instruction template that can be downloaded from the main NKS webpage (, and submit it selecting ‘Register now incl. poster presentation’ on the same webpage. The deadline for poster registration is 3 December 2018.


NKS particularly invites young scientists to address this poster call.


Upcoming workshop

Call for workshop arranged by NKS-R SITRON the day after the NKS seminar:


Workshop on Site risk analysis for nuclear power plants

17 January 2019, Sundbyberg, Sweden


Location: Lloyds Register Consulting, Landsvägen 50 A, 2nd floor, 17263 Sundbyberg, Sweden

Host: Xuhong He, Ola Bäckström


NKS-R project SITRON (SITe Risk Of Nuclear installations) has been working in 2017–18 to develop an approach for site risk analysis applicable to current Nordic nuclear power plants. The project partners are Risk Pilot AB, Lloyds Register Consulting, VTT Ltd., and IFE Halden. The work has been co-financed by SAFIR2018 (The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2015–2018), Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, Ringhals AB, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), and Nordic nuclear safety research (NKS).


The aim of the workshop is to present the results of the project.

The seminar is open to any person who is interested in the topic.


Please, register to the meeting by e-mail to by January 7, 2019.


A preliminary agenda for the workshop can be found at the NKS web page

NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance

Updated information that NKS offers travel assistance for young scientists wishing to attend NKS-R and NKS-B events as well as related non-NKS events even outside the Nordic countries - under certain conditions. More information on the conditions and how to apply for travel assistance can be seen on the NKS web site here ( for NKS-R related events, and here ( for NKS-B related events.

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