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NKS NewsLetter 23

June 4, 2015


Upcoming Seminars



Joint workshop on reliability analysis and safety demonstration of digital I&C

29-30 September 2015, Espoo, Finland

MODIG (Modelling Of DIGital I&C) project aims at developing a consensus approach for a reliability analysis of a plant design with digital I&C, including improved integration of probabilistic and deterministic approaches in the licensing of digital I&C.

PLANS (Planning Safety Demonstration) project aims at providing detailed guidance on selected topics of safety demonstration and planning for digital I&C systems in NPPs by building upon existing guidance and models for safety justification.

For further information on the workshop please contact Jan-Erik Holmberg ( or Vikash Katta ( .



Workshop on the use of meteorological uncertainty estimates for decision making during a nuclear emergency

10 September 2015, Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Lyngbyvej 100, DK-2100 Copenhagen

In the NKS-B FAUNA activity, a newly developed ensemble-statistical methodology is applied to the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident.  The work addresses real-time forecasting of atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides released from a nuclear installation taking into account meteorological uncertainties. These uncertainties can be large, leading to uncertain dispersion model results. The workshop is aimed at experts, model developers and decision makers, and will open discussions on operational uses of uncertainty estimates.

To assess possibilities for participation in the workshop please contact Jens Havskov Sørensen at DMI ( or Bent Lauritzen at DTU Nutech (  



Workshop on nuclear icebreaker traffic and transport of radioactive materials along the Nordic coastline: response systems and cooperation to handle accidents

13-14 October 2015, FRAM, Hjalmar Johansens gate 14, 9296 Tromsø, Norway

Relevant authorities and other organisations from Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland are invited to a 2-days workshop in Tromsø, Norway in order to discuss:

  • Existing emergency preparedness systems in case of accidents along the Nordic coastline with the involvement of nuclear icebreakers, radwastes and spent nuclear fuel;
  • Possible scenarios and capabilities in each countries (resources, mobile services, decision support systems, models, etc.);
  • Notification procedures;
  • Interactions between countries.  

The overall objective is to improve knowledge on existing systems and capabilities in each country and to discuss interaction and procedures between countries in case of accidents.

Target group: all the relevant state authorities and organisations from Nordic countries responsible for emergency preparedness, monitoring and radiation protection in case of accidents in the marine environment with the involvement of radioactive substances.


The NORCOP-COAST Workshop will be hosted by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) in cooperation with Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority (Geislavarnir Rikisins), STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland and Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA).

For more information, please contact the activity coordinator: Anna Nalbandyan, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Tel.: +47 77750163; E-mail:

You could also contact national representatives for this Workshop in:



Seminar on analytical techniques for nuclear forensics in Nordic countries with focus on novel techniques

Autumn 2015, Oslo, Norway - more information will follow on NKS internet 

A Nordic seminar with invited speakers from authorities (end users) and experts within nuclear analytical chemistry. The goal of the seminar is to provide information on the necessity and suitability of novel analytical techniques within Nordic nuclear forensics as well as exploring possibilities for collaboration across institutions and borders within the Nordic countries. 

For more information, please contact the activity leader: Ole Christian Lind (


New Publications


The following NKS-R report is available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.


April 2015

Andrew Wallin Caldwell, Malin Angerbjörn, Gunnar Johanson, Jakob Christensen, Ilkka Karanta: Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA


View document


May 2015

Timo Pättikangas, Antti Timperi, Qais Saifi: CFD and FEM modeling of blowdown of gas into pressure suppression pool


View document


The following NKS-R report is available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.


June 2015

Jens Havskov Sørensen, Bjarne Amstrup, Henrik Feddersen, Ulrik Smith Korsholm, Jerzy Bartnicki, Heiko Klein, Magne Simonsen, Bent Lauritzen, Steen Cordt Hoe, Carsten Israelson, Jonas Lindgren: Fukushima Accident: UNcertainty of Atmospheric dispersion modelling (FAUNA)


View document


NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance

A reminder that NKS offers travel assistance for young scientists wishing to attend NKS-R and NKS-B events as well as related non-NKS events that are held within the Nordic countries. More information on how to apply for travel assistance can be seen on the NKS web site here ( for NKS-R related events, and here ( for NKS-B related events.


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