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NKS NewsLetter 26

January 11, 2017


NKS-R Call for Proposals 2017

14 proposals for NKS-R activities were received before the deadline on October 14th. Of these, 6 were applications for continuation of ongoing activities.

The numbers of proposals submitted under the NKS-R areas of interest are as follows: 

Area of Interest

No. of Proposals

Total budget for proposals

under area of interest




Risk analysis


1915 kDKK

Organisation and safety culture


2050 kDKK

Thermal hydraulics


672 kDKK

Reactor physics


661 kDKK

Severe accidents


  600 kDKK

Decommissioning and radwaste


  600 kDKK

Plant life management and extension


  450 kDKK

The total amount requested was 6948 kDKK from an expected budget of 3100 kDKK.


NKS-B Call for Proposals 2017

16 proposals for NKS-B activities were received before the deadline on October 14th. Of these, 4 were applications for continuation of ongoing activities.

The numbers of proposals submitted under the NKS-B areas of interest are as follows:

Area of Interest

No. of Proposals

Total budget for proposals

under area of interest

Emergency Preparedness


2993.6 kDKK

Measurement Technology and Strategy


2100 kDKK

Radioecological Assessments


1281 kDKK

Waste and Discharges



The total amount requested was 6374.6 kDKK from an expected budget of 3100 kDKK.



Recent Seminars


Exercise/seminar: Intercomparison of Nordic Unmanned Aerial Monitoring Platforms

5-7 September 2016, near Gardermoen, Olso, Norway

The exercise part with unmanned aerial monitoring platforms was carried out in open / forested terrain where a number of different sources had been hidden (Cs-137, Am-241, Eu-152, Co-60, Pu-238, Sr-90).

Only unmanned multicopters (unmanned rotorcrafts with more than two horizontally orientated rotors) could be applied here, due to restrictions on flying height so close to an airport and the height of trees in the area, although some fixed wing unmanned planes had actually been brought along and examined.

The seminar had a total of 32 participants from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

Both dose rate and nuclide specific measurements were made by the different platforms.

The last day of the event was held as a seminar for preliminary comparison and discussion of results obtained in the field. The findings will be presented in the final report of the NORDUM activity.

The activity leader was at the NRPA.



Workshop for users of gamma spectrometry

13-14 September 2016, Rømskog, Norway

At the 2016 GammaSpec meeting 39 persons from 20 organisations were present. The participants were a good mixture of scientists from univeristies as well as users from industry and authorities.

Invited lecturers were:

  • Harri Toivonen (PhD), CEO at HT Nuclear, who has been involved in nuclear measurements and analyses since 1976. In his talk List-mode Data Acquisition – a New IEC Standard, he gave an introduction to list-mode data acquisition, a step forward to standardize data acquisition and to improve radionuclide detection quality and timeliness. This new technology is expected to become commercially available in 3-4 years.
  • Dr. Tim Vidmar, SCK-CEN, Mol, Belgium, who gave two presentations: - A tool for importing DDEP decay data into Genie 2000 and GammaVision nuclide libraries
  • - A new user interface for EFFTRAN - demonstration and feedback
  • Dr. Henrik Ramebäck, FOI, Sweden, who gave a presentation about true coincidence corrections in gamma spectrometric measurements of uranium isotopic ratios (Gamma spectrometric measurements of uranium isotopic composition: -Accuracy and precision). Not taking this into account can lead serious errors in calculated enrichment. In addition, there were 11 other presentations including 2 from equipment companies. The feedback was very positive. Comments included:
    • Intercomparison exercise was very useful and I hope that there will be more similar intercomparisons in the future.
  • Inspired to do improvements at home (work J).
  • Interesting presentations and valuable to meet people working with g-spectroscopy in other application areas (not only nuclear power plants).
  • Overall I really appreciate the seminar and taking benefit of all the expertise of the community.
  • GREAT! Really interesting and very fun and educational to meet colleagues with similar problems, challenges and solutions.


    • Presentations also gave some new ideas and interesting info. The programme was well balanced and I learned a lot. It was also an excellent forum for networking.
  • It’s a great seminar. I would love to participate again

The activity leader was Sven P. Nielsen at DTU (



New Publications

The following NKS-R reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.


Oct. 2016

Eveliina Takasuo: A summary of studies on debris bed coolability and multi-dimensional flooding


View document



Oct. 2016

Magnus Strandberg: Ex-Vessel Steam Explosion Analysis with MC3D


View document


NKS- 376

Nov. 2016

Andrew Wallin Caldwell, Gunnar Johanson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Ilkka Karanta, Karin Fritioff: Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA - Phase 3 Status Report from the NKS-R L3PSA


View document


The following NKS-B reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.


Dec. 2016

T Gäfvert, J Boson, T Karhunen, G Jónsson, S Juul Krogh, J Drefvelin, P O Hetland, L Skuterud, P Reppenhagen Grim, P Smolander, K Guðnason, P Frisk, B Winther, C Andreis: Nordic In Situ gamma Intercomparison. Final Report from NKS-B NISI project (Contract: AFT/B(16)2)


View document



Dec. 2016

Kasra Tazmani, Dag Robøle, Jon Drefvelin, Øyvind Gjølme Selnæs, Jeppe Vöge Jensen, Magnus Gårdestig, Markku Kettunen, Juha Röning: Intercomparison of Nordic Unmanned Aerial Monitoring Platforms


View document


NKS- 379

Dec. 2016

Elisabeth Strålberg, Trygve Bjerk, Sven P. Nielsen, Henrik Ramebäck, Roy Pöllänen, Gísli Jónsson: GammaSpec 2016 Proceedings


View document




NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance

Updated information that NKS offers travel assistance for young scientists wishing to attend NKS-R and NKS-B events as well as related non-NKS events even outside the Nordic countries - under certain conditions. More information on the conditions and how to apply for travel assistance can be seen on the NKS web site here ( for NKS-R related events, and here ( for NKS-B related events.

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