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NKS NewsLetter 21

June 3, 2014


Upcoming Seminars


NKS-R Nordic-Gen4 Seminar, more information on this seminar can be found in NewsFlash 55.

Seminar on Generation IV nuclear energy systems

September 4-5th 2014, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland.

The registration deadline is August 15. For more information, registration and submission, please contact Joonas Telkka ( or have a look at the web page:



Reliability analysis of digital I&C systems in PSA context

January 15th 2015, Stockholm, Sweden

A Nordic workshop for the end users of the results from the DIGREL activity will be held on January 15th, 2015. The NKS-R activity develops practical guidelines for analysis and modelling of digital systems in probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) for nuclear power plants. For more information, please contact the activity leader: Jan-Erik Holmberg (



Procedure competence rating

Autumn 2014, Halden, Norway

The preliminary plan is to organize a seminar in HAlden Man Machine Laboratory (HAMMLAB) at IFE Halden in September, exact dates and agenda are to be decided. The idea is to illustrate situations of emergency operating procedure use in our Video Audio Data Analyzing Tool and discuss procedure competence rating together with instructors, process experts and researchers. We will also have a look at eye-tracking possibilities for studying procedure use and lessons learned from use of eye-tracking in HAMMLAB. For more information, please contact the activity leader: Maren Eitrheim (



Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA

January 20th 2015, Stockholm, Sweden

The Level 3 Probabilistic Safety Analysis (Level 3 PSA) project is seeking to deepen Nordic understanding about the merits and limitations of probabilistic off-site consequence analysis for nuclear facilities. The project began in 2013, and is in its second year of a planned three years. The seminar will include a description to stakeholders and all interested in attending about the activities performed during the second year of the project. For more information, please contact the activity leader: Andrew Wallin Caldwell ( 



Seminar on Assessment of Accidental Uptake of Radioiodine in Emergency Situations

29 September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark

This one-day seminar follows up on the results of the NKS-B THYROID activity, which comprised an extensive calibration program and proficiency test for thyroid monitoring instruments in the Nordic countries.  For further information on the seminar (updated program and registration) please refer to this web page.


NKS-B SEMUNARS,more information on this seminar can be found in NewsFlash 55.

Seminar on Unmanned Radiometry Systems

2-3 October 2014, Linköping, Sweden

Registration deadline is September 8th. Please register to the seminar and submit abstracts via email to (phone +46 (0)10 103 1775). The seminar is limited to 45 participants. 


NKS-B GAMMAUSER 2014, more information on this seminar can be found in NewsFlash 55.

Workshop on Gamma Spectrometry

7-8 October 2014, Helsinki, Finland

Information and registration form will be posted the GammaWiki web page (

That page will continuously be updated with the latest information. You can contact the organizers with inquiries or suggestions by sending an email to



New Publications


The following NKS-R report is available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.


June 2014

Antti Timperi, Timo Pättikangas, Jarto Niemi: CFD and FEM simulations of pressure suppression pool behaviour


View document


The following NKS-B report is available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.



May 2014

Jens Havskov Sørensen, Bjarne Amstrup, Henrik Feddersen, Ulrik Smith Korsholm, Jerzy Bartnicki, Heiko Klein, Peter Wind, Bent Lauritzen, Steen Cordt Hoe, Carsten Israelson, Jonas Lindgren: Meteorological Uncertainty of atmospheric Dispersion model results (MUD)


View document


NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance

A reminder that NKS offers travel assistance for young scientists wishing to attend NKS-R and NKS-B events as well as related non-NKS events that are held within the Nordic countries. More information on how to apply for travel assistance can be seen on the NKS web site here ( for NKS-R related events, and here ( for NKS-B related events.

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