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NKS Seminar News

December 16, 2015


Nordic perspectives of Fukushima: Where are we now and where do we go?


Joint NKS-R and NKS-B Seminar, Stockholm, 12-13 January 2016

(venue: Vattenfall AB, Evenemangsgatan 13, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden)


Dear Seminar Participant!

Thank you for signing up for the upcoming NKS seminar. We think we have a very interesting program for the seminar (see the program here), thanks to the selected speakers. We thank you for the great interest we have experienced. We count on you to participate actively in the discussions to assess the progress made and give your opinions on the way forward.  We look forward to seeing you soon in Stockholm.


The easiest way from Arlanda airport to the seminar location is by commuter train ( ). The commuter train stops at Solna station (2 stops before Stockholm central). Take the Northern exit towards Friends arena and Mall of Scandinavia. Keep left over the bridge and also keep left of the entrance to Mall of Scandinavia. The green house in front of you is the Vattenfall head quarter.


If you wish to go by taxi, we recommend taxi 020 ( ) or taxi Stockholm ( ). Unfortunately, there are also unserious taxi companies present at the airport.


If you are leaving from Stockholm C, take the northbound commuter train towards Märsta or Uppsala and exit at Solna station. Take the Northern exit towards Friends arena and Mall of Scandinavia. Keep left over the bridge and also keep left of the entrance to Mall of Scandinava. The green house in front of you is the Vattenfall head quarter.


You are as a participant requested to make your own hotel reservation. We have blocked 40 rooms at the Quality Hotel Friends, Råsta Strandväg 1, Solna, near the seminar venue (  The blocking (room rate 1395 SEK / 1595 SEK) will be maintained until two weeks before the seminar (‘first-come, first-served’).  



Phone: +46 8 7057000


Please refer to booking reference 2103G009024 when making the reservation in order to get the special rate.


An alternative recommendation would be to book hotel room at Hotel Scandic Grand Central in central Stockholm (Kungsgatan 70), where the seminar venue will be only a 7 minutes journey away by ‘pendeltåg’.

Contact NKS   NKS Sekretariatet
Boks 49
DK-4000 Roskilde
  Telephone +45 46 77 40 41

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