Design and safety features of nuclear reactors neighbouring the Nordic countries
Activity Acronym:
Erik Nonbøl (edt.)
The Chernobyl accident in 1986 revealed a remarkable lack of information in the
Western countries on design and operation of Russian reactors. Therefore a Nordic
project was started with the purpose of collecting information on the design and
safety features of reactors neighbouring the Nordic countries. The nuclear power
plants included are the RBMK reactors Ignalina and Leningrad, the VVER reactors
Greifswald and Kola, the BWR reactors Brunsbuttel and Krummel and the PWR
reactors Stade and Brokdorf, all located within 100-450 km from the borders of a
Nordic country. Marine reactors supposed to operate in the Nordic seas are also
considered. Detailed reports for each power plant and marine reactors have been