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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:NKS-96-AFA-8
Report Title:Performance analysis for waste repositories in the Nordic countries - Report for Project AFA-1.2
Activity Acronym:AFA-1
Authors:Seppo Vuori, Knud Brodersen, Steinar Backe, Karin Brodén, Steen Carugati, Tord Walderhaug, Johann Helgason, Malgorzata Sneve, Sverre Hornkjøl
Abstract:The Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) project (AFA-1) focused on safety in the final disposal of long-lived low and medium level radioactive waste and its subproject (AFA-1.2), where this report has been produced, is dealing with the performance analysis of the engineered barrier system (near-field) of the repositories for low- and medium level wastes. The topic intentionally excludes the discussion of the characteristics of the geological host medium. Therefore a more generic discussion of the features of performance analysis is possible independent of the fact that different host media are considered in the Nordic countries. The different waste management systems existing and planned in the Nordic countries are shortly described in the report. In the report main emphasis is paid on the general discussion of methodologies developed and employed for performance analyses of waste repositories. Some of the phenomena and interactions relevant for a generic type of repository are discussed as well. Among the different approaches for the development of scenarios for safety and performance analyses one particular method - the Rock Engineering System (RES) - was chosen to be demonstratively tested in a brainstorming session, where the possible interactions and their safety significance were discussed employing a simplified and generic Nordic repository system as the reference system. As an overall impression, the AFA-project group concludes that the use of the RES approach is very easy to learn even during a short discussion session. The use of different ways to indicate the safety significance of various interactions in a graphical user interface increases the clarity. Within the project a simple software application was developed employing a generally available spreadsheet programme. The developed tool allows an easy opportunity to link the cell specific comments readily available for the ‘reader’ of the obtained results. A short review of the performance analyses carried out in the Nordic countries for actual projects concerning repositories for low and medium-level waste is also included in the report.
Publication date:01 Febr 1997
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-013-8
Number of downloads:2532
Download:pdf NKS-96-AFA-8.pdf
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