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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:NKS-44
Report Title:Decision criteria in PSA applications
Activity Acronym:SOS-2.1
Authors:Kaisa Simola, Urho Pulkkinen, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Tony Rosqvist
Abstract:Along with the adoption of risk informed decision making principles, the need for formal probabilistic decision rule or criteria has been risen. However, there are many practical and theoretical problems in the application of probabilistic criteria. One has to think what is the proper way to apply probabilistic rules together with deterministic ones and how the criteria are weighted with respect to each other. In this report, we approach the above questions from the decision theoretic point of view. We give a short review of the most well known probabilistic criteria, and discuss examples of their use. We present a decision analytic framework for evaluating the criteria, and we analyse how the different criteria behave under incompleteness or uncertainty of the PSA model. As the conclusion of our analysis we give recommendations on the application of the criteria in different decision situations.
Publication date:01 Nov 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-097-9
Number of downloads:2285
Download:pdf NKS-44.pdf
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