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NKS Programme Area: | NKS-B | Research Area: | Measurement Strategy, technology and QA | Report Number: | NKS-56 | Report Title: | Mobile Gamma Spectrometry. Evaluation of the Resume 99 Exercise | Activity Acronym: | BOK-1 | Authors: | Bent Lauritzen, Helle Karina Aage, Uffe Korsbech, Hans Mellander, Simon Karlsson, Mark Smethurst | Abstract: | During the RESUME 99 exercise, the radiocaesium (137Cs) activity in the surroundings of Gävle in central Sweden was mapped using car-borne gamma-ray spectrometry (CGS). The CGS data along with airborne gamma-ray spectrometry
(AGS) data from the same area have been used to examine possible correlations between the CGS and AGS results, detector type and position, and geographical
information, such as land-use and road type. The overall differences between various CGS results are small, while larger differences are found between AGS and CGS results. In general only little correlation was found with land-use and with road-type and width. The differences between AGS and CGS results arise because airborne detectors have a different field of view than a ground-based detector. From an analysis of the depth-dependency of AGS and CGS data for a depth-distributed source, it is found that the mean mass depth may be inferred from the ratio of AGS to CGS spectral count rates.
Integration of AGS and CGS data requires a precise definition of quantities and units for reporting activity concentrations in a complicated geometry and care
must be taken to translate AGS results into equivalent CGS quantities taking into account the spatial distribution of the radionuclides. | Publication date: | 01 Jun 2002 | ISBN: | ISBN: 87-7893-111-8 | Number of downloads: | 2325 | Download: | NKS-56.pdf |