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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-130
Report Title:Wire System Aging Assessment and Condition Monitoring (WASCO)
Activity Acronym:CableAging
Authors:Paolo F. Fantoni, Anders Nordlund
Abstract:Nuclear facilities rely on electrical wire systems to perform a variety of functions for successful operation. Many of these functions directly support the safe operation of the facility; therefore, the continued reliability of wire systems, even as they age, is critical. Condition Monitoring (CM) of installed wire systems is an important part of any aging program, both during the first 40 years of the qualified life and even more in anticipation of the license renewal for a nuclear power plant. This report describes a method for wire system condition monitoring, developed at the Halden Reactor Project, which is based on Frequency Domain Reflectometry. This method resulted in the development of a system called LIRA (LIne Resonance Analysis), which can be used on-line to detect any local or global changes in the cable electrical parameters as a consequence of insulation faults or degradation. LIRA is composed of a signal generator, a signal analyser and a simulator that can be used to simulate several failure/degradation scenarios and assess the accuracy and sensitivity of the LIRA system. Chapter 5 of this report describes an complementary approach based on positron measurement techniques, used widely in defect physics due to the high sensitivity to micro defects, in particular open volume defects. This report describes in details these methodologies, the results of field experiments and the proposed future work.
Keywords:Condition monitoring; cable aging; transmission lines; hot spot detection; fault detection; frequency domain reflectometry; time domain reflectometry; standing wave reflectometry; LIRA; positron
Publication date:01 Apr 2006
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-192-4
Number of downloads:4638
Download:pdf NKS-130.pdf
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