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NKS Programme Area:
Research Area:Evaluation
Report Number:NKS-201
Report Title:Proceedings of the NKS-R and NKS-B Joint Summary Seminar
Activity Acronym:Summary Seminar
Authors:Justin P. Gwynn, Patrick Isaksson (Editors)
Abstract:Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) is a platform for Nordic cooperation and competence in nuclear safety and related radiation protection issues including emergency preparedness and protection of the environment. Its purpose is to carry out joint activities producing seminars, exercises, scientific articles, technical reports and other types of reference material, with special efforts made to engage young scientists. The region in question is the five Nordic countries, i.e., Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, who share a common cultural and historic heritage. The Nordic countries have cooperated in the field of nuclear safety for approximately half a century, developing informal networks for exchange of information, strengthening the region’s potential for fast, coordinated and adequate response to nuclear threats, incidents and accidents. Activities are financed and supported by Nordic authorities, research institutions, power companies, contractors and other organizations, with results used by participating organizations in their decision making processes and information efforts.The NKS-R and NKS-B Joint Summary Seminar held at the Armémuseum, Stockholm on the 26th - 27th of March 2009 showcased a range of activities supported by NKS over the previous 2 years and provided an opportunity to bring together researchers and end users from the wider NKS community. This summary seminar was the first joint venture between the NKS-R and NKS-B Programmes since the current two programme format was adopted by NKS. One of our intentions in organising the Joint Summary Seminar was to further the reciprocal awareness of ongoing research and issues under the respective NKS-R and NKS-B Programmes, with the aim of promoting new networking opportunities and generating new ideas and approaches to solving existing problems.
Keywords:NKS; NKS-B; NKS-R; Nordic nuclear safety
Publication date:01 Aug 2009
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-269-3
Number of downloads:2175
Download:pdf NKS-201.pdf
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