Building a generic voxel phantom of IRINA for Monte Carlo simulations
Activity Acronym:
Petty Cartemo, Jenny Nilsson, Anders Nordlund, Mats Isaksson,
The human phantom IRINA, which is widely used for whole body counting calibrations, has been modelled using MATLAB. This document summarizes and explains the procedure that was applied for building voxel versions of IRINA in standing position. All 6 sizes in standing positions were successfully modelled with the help of MATLAB and the files are ready to use for any MC simulation. The MC code GATE was used to verify the geometry of the IRINA phantom by comparing the placement of source tubes and scatterers in the Monte Carlo model to the original IRINA documentation. The methodology can easily be used for building voxel phantoms of IRINA in sitting and bending position, as well as any other geometry that may be needed.