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Activity name ECOFOOD: Adaptation of FDMT to the Nordic Conditions
NKS-B Research Area Radioecology
Project summary

The software package FDMT - Food Chain and Dose Module for Terrestrial Pathways is a component of the decision support systems, JRODOS and ARGOS, that are currently used in the Nordic countries for response to nuclear emergencies. Not all food chains that are relevant for the Nordic conditions are currently supported by FDMT and the modelling of some of the food chains is not optimal for the Nordic conditions, resulting in difficulties with the parameterization of the models. Moreover, in its current implementation FDMT is not totally transparent to users. The focus of the previous activity was to develop a new software (EcoFood) that addresses these deficiencies and considers the findings of a gap analysis of FDMT conducted early in the project. EcoFood comprises the following components: A Simulator, a Model Library and a Parameter Database. EcoFood includes all sub-models in FDMT, with several required improvements and extensions:
A more generic and flexible implementation of several FDMT´s sub-models (plants and animals), which facilitates their parameterization (use of region-specific parameters) and implementation of food chains typical for the Nordic conditions.
The implementation of a database which contains representative parameters values for the Nordic conditions, obtained from previous NKS and EC projects.
Implementation of models for food chains that are missing in FDMT, such as the reindeer food chain.
Implementation of various dynamic models of radionuclide behaviour in soils that are suitable for incorporating processes that might be present in other conditions, not considered in FDMT. An example is the leaching of radionuclides from hot particles. Also, the added dynamic models are more flexible for parameterization.
Implementation of functionality for using intelligent Transfer Factors (TFs) and Distribution Coefficients (Kds) in the models, which is a promising way of dealing with the large uncertainty of these parameters. This functionality was used for implementing intelligent TFs and Kds for Caesium.


The tasks for this year's continuation of the activity can be summarized as follows:
Task 1. Training in EcoFood - Hands-on training will be carry out covering all EcoFood components. The training events will be recorded for future use together with the training materials.
Task 2. Enhacements of EcoFood - Implementation of improvements and extensions of EcoFood identified in the previous activity, such as:
Adding to the EcoFood Model Library models of some missing food chains, such as forest food chains.
Adding models for freshwater environments (rivers and lakes).
Adding intelligent TFs and Kds for other elements than Caesium.
Improvements in the representation of transfer processes and their parameterizations. An example is the improvements of the representation and parameterization of the translocation of radionuclides in plants using other approaches described in the literature.
Further improvements of the soil models. For example, by dividing the soil into several vertical layers, to be able to represent processes like bioturbation and sub surface runoff.
At the start of the project the selected enhacements will be agreed upon and a report describing these will be prepared. Thereafter, the enhancements will be implemented and tested as part of the qualification of the the tool (see below).
Task 3. EcoFood qualification - Application of EcoFood for assessments of accident scenarios that are relevant for the Nordic countries, perform systematic verification of the tool and preparation of a Verification Report. This task also includes the improvement of EcoFood documentation.


Lead Organization AF Consult AB
Contact Person

Rodolfo Avila:

phone number: +46 707671366


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