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NKS-B MALRAD scenarios and spectra

The 7 exercise scenario descriptions and spectral files as used in the NKS-B MALRAD activity are available for download below as a single zip file. This zip file also includes the practice scenario and general technical information to the 7 exercise scenarios.


The answers to the 7 exercise scenarios are provided as separate file.


A further zip file is available containing spectral files for all 7 exercise scenarios but without any background and based on the use of a HPGe detector.


Please note:

Neither the authors, organisers of MALRAD or the NKS are responsible for any damage, data loss or other inconvenience whatsoever caused by the use in any way, intended or otherwise, of the materials distributed as part of the MALRAD activity. The materials of the MALRAD activity were provided “as is” and were not intended for, nor should be used for quality control purposes, mission critical applications or for the purposes of satisfying the requirements of any third party organisation. The authors, organisers and NKS accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for damages incurred in any way through use of the MALRAD materials. Analytical solutions presented are not intended to represent recommended, approved or “best” solutions but rather possible solutions using basic tools and the authors make no claim nor accept any responsibility for the correctness of any approach or damages incurred by their implementation.


Any mention, either directly or indirectly, of software or commercial products within this document or associated works does not constitute an endorsement by the authors, their organisations or the NKS.



Files for downloading:


Zip file containing the 7 exercise scenarios can be downloaded here.


Answers to the 7 exercise scenarios can be downloaded here.


Zip file containing spectral files for the 7 exercise scenarios with no background using a HPGe detector can be downloaded here.


The final report for the NKS-B MALRAD activity can be downloaded here.

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