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NKS-B NordThreat seminar 30–31 October 2008

Session 1: Possible hazards


Illicit trafficking of nuclear and radiological materials and the IAEA ITDB 

George M. Moore (International Atomic Energy Agency)


Radiation as a Weapon: A view from Open Source studies

Björn Sandström (Swedish Defence Research Agency)


Dirty bomb explosion in a city area: What do we need to know for preparedness?

Kasper G. Andersson (Risø DTU, Denmark)


Possible scenarios and challenges for CBRN preparedness

Tone D. Bergan (Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, Norway)


Terrorism, development and interest for RN

Anne Stenersen (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment)


The wreck of the cruiser Murmansk

Inger Margrethe H. Eikelmann (Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority)


Russian nuclear reactors 2010 – 2020

Heikki Reponen (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland)


Andreeva Bay

Jane L. Smith-Briggs (Nuvia Ltd.)


Nuclear weapons

Steinar Høibråten (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment)


Session 2: Experience from previous incidents


Previous events with nuclear powered submarines

Ole Reistad (Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority)


The Thule accident

Kaare Ulbak (National Institute of Radiation Protection, Denmark)


Session 3: Public perception of nuclear and radiological threats and information challenges


Public perception of radionuclear threats and how it affects nuclear emergency Preparedness

Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)


Information requirements in emergency situations, openness in crisis and risk Communication

Knut I. Tønsberg (Norwegian Directorate for Health)


Addressing uncertainty in risk assessments – what is the role of stakeholders?

Ellen Marie Forsberg (Work Research Institute, Norway)


Session 4: National threat assessments


A low-key flexible approach to radiation emergency preparedness

Sigurður Emil Pálsson (Icelandic Radiation Protection Institute)


Short general introduction to the Danish Emergency Preparedness organisation and its participants

Poul Erik Nystrup (Danish Emergency Management Agency)


Swedish assessments of radionuclear threats

Richard Olsson (Swedish Emergency Management Agency)


Norwegian assessments of radionuclear threats

Per Strand (Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority)


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