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Programme NKS-B GammaSpec 2017 Seminar, Niels Bohr Auditorium, Risø, 19-20 September 2017


Speaker Title
Sven Nielsen, DTU, DK Evaluation_exercise 2A
Kasper Andersson, NKS / DTU, DK  Call for Proposals for NKS-B 2018
Mikael Hult, EC, JRC, Unit G.2, BE Low-level techniques and recent developments in gamma spectrometry
Harri Toivonen, HT Nuclear, FI Novel Technologies for In-field Gamma Spectrometry
Leen Verheiden, SCK.CEN, BE Creating gamma-ray nuclide libraries in Genie using the recommended data from
Anna Banel and Trygve Bjerk, IFE, NO Practical gamma measurements at IFE - natural activity
Roy Pöllänen, STUK, FI Experimental efficiency calibration of a HPGe gamma-ray detector
Joonas Tikkanen, STUK, FI Calibration of a small anode Germanium well detector
Tim Vidmar, SCK.CEN, BE Some tests of EFFTRAN TCS correction factor calculations 
Asser Nyander Poulsen, SIS, DK Quality assurance of a characterised Ge-detector used for various geometries (mathematical efficiency calibration)
Daniela Pittauer, MARUM, DE Detector contamination from a broken sealed test source
Mats Eriksson, SSM, S On the measurements of alpha-particle and X-ray/gamma-ray in coincidence 
Nikola Markovic DTU, DK GenTran – user interface software for Genie2000TM/EFFTRAN based gamma anlysis 
Nicolò Borghi, DTU, DK Developing a Target System for the ESS 
Petri Jovi, Olkiluoto NPP, FI Measuring iodine from stack filters
Tiina Torvela, STUK, FI Renewed Whole body Measurement chamber at STUK
Benóný Þór Björnsson, IRSA, IS Radioactivity in the environment and food in Iceland - regular monitoring
Roy Pöllänen, STUK Intercomparison samples & gamma-ray analyses at STUK
Sinikka Virtanen, STUK, FI Gamma intercomparison exercise - sample preparation and preliminary results
Trygve Bjerk and Anna Banel, IFE, NO + Henrik Ramebäck, FOI, SE Intercomparison exercises 2 and 3
Michel Ceuppens, Canberra/Mirion, BE iPA, the intelligent pre-amplifier.  What does it bring you as user?


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