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You are here: Homepage Seminars Presentations NKS-B NORCOP-COAST Workshop, 13-14 October 2015

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NKS-B NORCOP-COAST Workshop, 13-14 October 2015

Presentations from the workshop:


Jeppe Vöge Jensen (DEMA): The Danish Nuclear emergency preparedness plan

pdf danish_nuclear_preparedness_plandema.pdf (1.1 MB)


Catarina Danestig Sjögren (SSM): Emergency preparedness system in case of maritime accidents involving radioactive substances

pdf emergency_preparedness__in_swedenssm.pdf (258.2 KB)


Tuomas Peltonen (STUK): Overview of Finnish emergency preparedness system and actions in radiological maritime accidents

pdf emergency_preparedness_in_finlandstuk.pdf (593.9 KB)


Kjartan Guðnason (IRSA): EP system in case of maritime accidents in Icelandic Waters

pdf marine_emergency_preparedness_in_iceland.pdf (1.5 MB)


Kai Logemann & Guðrun Marteinsdóttir (Univ. of Iceland): Simulation of pollutant dispersion along the oceanic food chain with CODE/eco_CODE

pdf modelling_dispersioniceland.pdf (1.3 MB)


Sergei Vasilev (ROSATOM): Modelling of the nuclear-powered icebreaker accident at Eastern Gulf of Finland and assessment of possible consequences

pdf modellingicebreaker_accidenterc_russia.pdf (1 MB)


Rune Bergstrøm (Kystverket):  NCA, responsibilities, legal regulations, marine accidents

pdf norwegian_coastal_administration_overview.pdf (1.1 MB)


Inger Margrethe Eikelmann (NRPA): Norwegian nuclear emergency organisation

pdf norwegian_nuclear_emergency_organisation.pdf (960.6 KB)


Øyvind Gjølme Selnæs (NRPA): Presentation of some relevant scenarios

pdf presentation_of_some_relevant_scenariosnrpa.pdf (611.9 KB)


Bent-Ove Jamtli (Norwegian Joint Rescue Coordination Centre): Rescue service operations in hazardous environment: cooperation between rescue service, authorities and other actors

pdf rescue_service_centrenorth_norway.pdf (2.7 MB)


Helmuth Zika (SSM): Safety and security in the marine transport of radioactive materials: Swedish experience and exercises in 2015

pdf safety_and_security_in_marine_transportssm.pdf (1.7 MB)


Tuomas Peltonen (STUK): STUK's threat analysis of a nuclear submarine accident

pdf threat_analysis_of_a_nuclear_submarine_accidentstuk.pdf (443.2 KB)


Florian Baciu and Pat Kenny (IAEA): IAEA response to maritime accidents

pdf iaea_response_to_maritime_accidents.pdf (2.2 MB)

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