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NKS Fukushima seminar videos

Tuesday, January 8:

Issues identified from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP vis-à-vis the ICRP system of radiological protection 
(Speaker: Abel González, Vice Chair of ICRP)
Fukushima lessons and the UNSCEAR project 
(Speaker: Wolfgang Weiss, Chair of UNSCEAR)

Lessons learned and implications for further harmonisation in Europe from a regulatory perspective 

(Speaker: André-Claude Lacoste, President of ASN)

Nordic assessments, considerations and response 
(Speaker: Kaare Ulbak, SIS)
Iodine prophylaxis approach in Sweden and follow-up study on Swedish citizens in Japan 
(Speaker: Lynn Hubbard, SSM)

Experience of use of CTBTO data 
(Speaker: Sigurður Emil Pálsson, GR)

Recovery phase – Norwegian experience and relevance for Japanese and vice versa 
(Speaker: Astrid Liland, NRPA)

Wednesday, January 9:

What happened to nuclear safety work/focus in Europe after Fukushima? 

(Speaker: Petteri Tiippana, STUK)

Nordic nuclear power follow-up in Finland 

(Speaker: Tomi Routamo, STUK)

Nordic nuclear power follow-up in Sweden 

(Speaker: Jan Hanberg, SSM)

Fortum's actions to Loviisa NPP due to Fukushima accident: early own initiatives, national requirements, EU stress test and future 

(Speaker: Mika Harti, Loviisa)

Utilities follow-up in Sweden (Early own initiatives, national requirements, EU stress test, future) 

(Speaker: Magnus Reinsjö, Vattenfall)

Stress test of Norwegian nuclear facilities 

(Speaker: Atle Valseth, IFE)

Perspectives on nuclear safety from a Nordic non-nuclear country 

(Speaker: Carsten Israelson, DEMA)

Learning from the Fukushima accident and 22 July 2011 in Oslo 

(Speaker: Ole Harbitz, NRPA)

Considerations on the adequacy of Nordic capabilities for early detection of emergencies 

(Speaker: Kaj Vesterbacka, STUK)

Technical assessments (I) - source term and residual dose estimation – improving the assessments 

(Speaker: Wiktor Frid, SSM)

Technical assessments (II) - source term and residual dose estimation – improving the assessments 

(Speaker: Steen Hoe, DEMA)

Fukushima accident - communication with the public 

(Speaker: Eldri Holo, NRPA)

How can the Nordic countries improve emergency response and cooperation at home and abroad? 
(Speaker: Kresten Breddam, SIS)

How can the Nordic countries improve cooperation on nuclear safety? 

(Speaker: Lennart Carlsson, SSM)

Possible contributions from NKS-R 

(Speaker: Kaisu Leino, Fortum/NKS)

Possible contributions from NKS-B 

(Speaker: Kasper G. Andersson, DTU/NKS)

Conclusion of seminar – final remarks 

(Speaker: Sigurður Magnússon, GR/NKS)

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