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Assessment of climate change's impacts on radioecological safety of subpolar and Nordic marine environment


27-28 March 2023, DTU Risø Campus, Roskilde, Denmark


Workshop Venue:

The Kick-off Workshop of ANTHROPIC Project took place both online and offline at DTU Risø Campus, Roskilde, Denmark.


Workshop Agenda:

27th March: PUBLIC lectures given by the invited experts working in environmental radioactivity monitoring, climate studies, and radioecological assessment in the Nordic Seas.

28th March: INTERNAL discussion on the project’s technical details.




Workshop Objectives:

The seminar aims: 1) to share the knowledge of marine radioactivity monitoring and climate change in the Nordic Seas; 2) to exchange the up-to-date practices of radioecology assessment and nuclear emergency preparedness in the Nordic countries, 3) to determine the technical details of the ANTHROPIC Project according to the capabilities of research groups and desirable outputs of end users.


Invited Lectures:

Marine Radioactivity Monitoring:

  • Environmental Radioactivity in NE Atlantic Waters through Six Decades (Dr. Sven Nielsen, DTU)
  • HELCOM MORS EG - Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in the Baltic Sea (Mr. Vesa-Pekka Vartti, STUK)

Climate Change and Associated Impacts:

  • Ocean Climate Change in the North Atlantic and Arctic Regions, and its Implications for the Environment (Dr. Yanchun He, NERSC)
  • Changes in Ventilation, Anthropogenic Carbon, and Ocean Acidification in the Nordic Seas (Dr. Emil Jeansson, NORCE)

Radioecology Assessment and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness:

  • Radiological Risk Assessment during Normal Operation and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness in Sweden (Ms. Karin Aquilonius, Dr. Pål Andersson, Dr. Anna Maria Blixt Buhr, and Dr. Elisabeth Tengborn, SSM)

Radiotracer in Oceanic Studies:

  • Tracing Atlantic Water Exiting Fram Strait and its Transit in Arctic Ocean by the Continuous Observation of 236U and CDOM during 2019 – 2021 (Mr. Gang Lin, DTU)
  • Exploration of Anthropogenic Radiotracers in Oceanic Studies of the Baltic Sea (Dr. Mu Lin, DTU)


Workshop Organizers:  

Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Norway

Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE), Norway

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority (GR), Iceland

Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), Sweden

Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), Finland



The lecture sessions were open for the public and could be participated in online. 


Contact Person

Mu Lin (, +45 91702815. 




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