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Workshop: EcoFood - A tool for assessment of radiation exposure in terrestrial environments impacted by airborne releases


Session 1:  September 7, 2021: 9-12 am, Session 2: September 8, 2021: 9-12 am (note: new dates)



EcoFood is a software package for modelling the transfer in terrestrial food chains of radionuclides released to the atmosphere during a nuclear or radiological accident. EcoFood implements all FDMT sub-models, which are incorporated in the decision support systems JRODOS and ARGOS.  EcoFood includes some improvements of the FDMT models and some additional models, which have been added for addressing gaps identified during the ECOFOOD project.


In the first session of the workshop EcoFood´s main components will be demonstrated: the Simulator, the Model Library, and the Parameter Database. In the second session hands-on exercises with EcoFood will be completed.  


Organizers: Rodolfo Avila (AFRY)

Registration: Please register by email to Rodolfo Avila ( .


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