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Workshop on nuclear icebreaker traffic and transport of radioactive materials along the Nordic coastline: response systems and cooperation to handle accidents


13-14 October 2015, FRAM – High North Research Centre on Climate and the Environment, Hjalmar Johansens gate 14, 9296 Tromsø, Norway (


Relevant authorities and other organisations from Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland were invited to a 2-days workshop in Tromsø, Norway in order to discuss:

  • Existing emergency preparedness systems in case of accidents along the Nordic coastline with the involvement of nuclear icebreakers, radwastes and spent nuclear fuel;
  • Possible scenarios and capabilities in each countries (resources, mobile services, decision support systems, models, etc.);
  • Notification procedures;
  • Interactions between countries.  

The overall objective was to improve knowledge on existing systems and capabilities in each country and to discuss interaction and procedures between countries in case of accidents.


Target group: all the relevant state authorities and organisations from Nordic countries responsible for emergency preparedness, monitoring and radiation protection in case of accidents in the marine environment with the involvement of radioactive substances.



The NORCOP-COAST Workshop was hosted by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) in cooperation with Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority (Geislavarnir Rikisins), STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland and Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA).  Activity coordinator: Anna Nalbandyan, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Tel.: +47 77750163; E-mail:


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