NKS-B NUFORNORSeminar on analytical techniques for nuclear forensics in Nordic countries with focus on novel techniques
5-6 October 2015, Hotel Thon Hotel Vika Atrium, Munkedamsveien 45, 0250 Oslo, Norway
Relevant authorities and other organizations from Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland were invited to a 2-days seminar in Oslo, Norway in order to discuss:
- Requirements and challenges related to setting up and run nuclear forensics systems
- Analytical techniques for nuclear forensics in Nordic countries with focus on novel techniques
- Quality assurance within nuclear forensics
- International cooperation within nuclear forensics
The goal of the seminar was to provide information on the necessity and suitability of novel analytical techniques within Nordic nuclear forensics as well as exploring possibilities for collaboration across institutions and borders within the Nordic countries.
Target group: all the relevant state authorities and organizations from Nordic countries with involvement in nuclear forensics or interest in analytical techniques applicable within nuclear forensics.
The NKS NUFORNOR seminar was hosted by Centre of Environmental Radioactivity (CERAD CoE)), Norwegian University of Life Sciences in cooperation with Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority (Geislavarnir Rikisins), Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden and Danish Technological University (DTU). Activity coordinator: Ole Christian Lind, CERAD CoE, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Tel.: +47 92432406; E-mail: olelin@nmbu.no
David Smith, IAEA Nuclear Security
Nuclear forensics as part of a Nuclear Security Infrastructure
smith.pdf (1.5 MB)
Michael Curry, US State Department
International nuclear forensics cooperation
curry.pdf (3.9 MB)
Per Reppenhagen Grim, Emergency Preparedness Denmark
Status of nuclear forensics in Denmark
reppenhagen_grim.pdf (1.2 MB)
Hari Toivonen, HT Nuclear Oy, Finland
Nuclear security and forensics in Finland
Henrik Ramebäck, FOI, Sweden
Research and development at FOI relevant to nuclear forensics
Inger-M. Eikelmann, NRPA, Norway
Status of nuclear forensics in Norway
eikelmann.pdf (293.8 KB)
Gisli Jonsson, GR, Iceland
Nuclear forensics capabilities in Iceland
jonsson.pdf (1.6 MB)
Brit Salbu, CERAD, Norway
Source terms and release scenarios
Jerzy Bartnicki, MET, Norway
Modelling atmospheric dispersion of pollution from nuclear accidents and detonations with the SNAP model
Per Roos, DTU, Denmark
Characterisation of the Thule terrestrial Pu-U particles
roos.pdf (7.2 MB)
Charles Streeper, NRPA, Norway
International and national projects on border control
Anne-Laure Fauré, CEA, France
Nuclear forensics at CEA/DAM Ile de France - Focus on SIMS particle analysis
faure.pdf (2.9 MB)
Henrik Ramebäck, FOI, Sweden
Precision and accuracy in gamma spectrometric measurements of nuclear materials
Ole Christian Lind, CERAD, Norway
Combining speciation and source identification techniques
lind.pdf (2.3 MB)
Pablo Lebed, CERAD, Norway
Isotopic signature of selected lanthanides for nuclear activities profiling
Stefan Isaksson, Ortec
Gamma Spectroscopy Instrumentation in Nuclear Forensic
isaksson.pdf (2.7 MB)
Michel Ceuppens, Canberra
SAGeWell detectors, what can Well detectors mean for small sample gamma spectroscopy?
ceuppens.pdf (841.1 KB)