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NKS-B GammaSem seminar

Nordic seminar for users of gamma spectrometry

Kjeller, Norway

16-17 September, 2009


Organised by the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark; Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), Icelandic Radiation Protection Institute, National Institute of Radiation Protection, Denmark


With 75 participants from 34 different institutes taking part, the GammaSem seminar provided a forum for discussions and sharing of information on practical issues concerning gamma spectrometry. The seminar covered topics based on the participants’ own experience in gamma spectrometry with an emphasis on common problems/challenges often encountered. The seminar was opened with a presentation by Dr. Gordon Gilmore entitled “Does our software tell us the truth (or should we burn the Black Box)?” aimed at encouraging users not to trust their spectrum analysis programs uncritically. At the conclusion of the seminar working groups were set up on the following topics:


Uncertainties and detections of limits

True summing coincidence

Monte Carlo simulations and efficiency transfer

Absorption (density corrections and geometries)

Mobile gamma spectrometry systems

Nuclear forensics (on special samples and special parts of the spectra)


Pdfs of all the presentations made at this seminar can be downloaded


The seminar webpage can be viewed here.


Contact persons:

Paula Nunez (

Sven P. Nielsen (

Sigurður Emil Pálsson (

Carsten Israelson (

Seppo Klemola (

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