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NKS-B GammaTest 2013

A series of linked workshops on gamma spectrometry


17-19 September, 2013, FOI, Umeå, Sweden


A new series of workshops for users of gamma spectrometry was held 17th-19th September 2013 at FOI Umeå, Sweden. 


The form of the GammaTest (as for the earlier GammaSems and GammaWorshops) was to enable the users to address the problems in gamma spectrometry they find most pressing, through lectures and practical exercises in addition to sharing their experience with others in a similar position. The main topics at this year’s workshops were:


-Intercomparisons on 1) soil sample(s); 2) sample spectra; and 3) on peak identification in complicated spectra.  The results of the intercomparisons seem helpful in identifying current shortcomings.  


In addition, there was:

-One invited lecturer (Professor Octavian Sima, Physics Department University of Bucharest),

-Practical exercise(s) on ’complicated’ spectra,

-Lessons learned from the intercomparison(s),

-Possibilities for participants to share their experiences in the implementation of e.g. coincidence summing correction and self-absorption correction,

The arrangement group consisted of: Elisabeth Strålberg (IFE), Sigurður Emil Pálsson (IRSA), Henrik Ramebäck (FOI), Sven P. Nielsen (DTU) and Seppo Klemola (STUK).  Further information, including the detailed agenda and links to technical background material is available on the GammaWiki web site:


Activity leader was Henrik Ramebäck [].

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