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Workshop on Gamma Spectrometry


7-8 October 2014, Helsinki, Finland


The NKS-supported GammaUser 2014 workshop was the sixth meeting of the successful GammaSem series of workshops and seminars on gamma spectrometry.


Attendees were encouraged to participate in pre-workshop inter-comparison exercises (both with real spectra and physical samples), for which results were presented and evaluated at the seminar.

The program offered presentations from a diverse set of users of gamma spectrometry and participants gave short presentations on the specific challenges their use of gamma spectrometry entails. In addition, lectures were given by highly qualified invited speakers:


Tim Vidmar, SCK•CEN

Marie-Christine Lépy, Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel


Students and young scientists in fields relevant to gamma spectrometry were particularly recommended to attend.


Further information is posted the GammaWiki web page (

That page will continuously be updated with the latest information.

You can contact the organizers with inquiries or suggestions by sending an email to


The organising committee was:

Elisabeth Strålberg (IFE)

Henrik Ramebäck (FOI)

Óskar Halldórsson (IRSA)

Seppo Klemola (STUK)

Sven Poul Nielsen (DTU)

Trygve Bjerk (IFE)

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