NKS-B MareNucWorkshop: Impact assessment of accidents with nuclear-propelled vessels
4th-5th of October 2010, Reykjavik
There is no well–defined system for classification of accidents associated with naval reactors in general as for civilian power plants. For civilian facilities of similar size, the reference accident used as a basis for further analysis varies between a Design Basis Accident describing complete and partial meltdown followed by water/ aluminium interaction and loss of mitigating systems. Considering the fact that neighbouring countries may soon embark upon construction of a new generation of naval reactors, there is a need to systemize the approach for assessing possible consequences of accidents in relation to these installations. Floating power reactors also involve new safety challenges that need to be discussed.
At the workshop in Reykjavík presentations were given on Russian icebreakers and other surface vessels; operational experiences and design of nuclear-propelled vessels; review of incidents and potential release scenarios; safety assessments concerning nuclear powered vessels made by the International Safety Research, Canada and the IAEA generic modeling tool. Representatives from the Nordic authorities also gave presentations on methods, procedures and systems (such as ARGOS) that have been used for assessing atmospheric dispersion and possible consequences related to nuclear powered vessels (STUK, NRPA, IRSA and DEMA).
The workshop was attended by 20 persons, including representatives from IAEA, NATO and the Nordic radiation protection authorities.
Contact person Ole Reistad (ole.reistad@nrpa.no) |