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NKS-B NordThreat seminar

30-31 October, 2008, Oslo/Asker, Norway 


This emergency preparedness seminar was organised by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland; the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and the Icelandic Radiation Protection Institute to highlight similarities and differences between national threat assessments. Attended by over 40 participants, speakers included Jane L. Smith-Briggs (Nuvia), Kasper G. Andersson (Risø), Heiki Reponen (STUK), Anne Stenersen (FFI), Ole Reistad (NRPA) and Per Strand (NRPA), with subjects ranging from the Andreeva Bay, dirty bombs in urban areas, radionuclear terrorism, Russian NPPs and nuclear-powered submarines. In addition George M. Moore from IAEA presented the IAEA Illicit Trafficking Data Base.


Changes in the international security environment and new threats have lead to an increased attention towards the need to revise various threat assessments in the Nordic countries. The seminar presented interested new topics, summarized experiences from previous incidents and new threat assessment from some of the Nordic countries.

The seminar facilitated an exchange of information and opinions and provided a platform for the discussion of possible new networks, especially between researchers and the emergency preparedness communities. The seminar will be summarised in an NKS-B report by the end of 2008.

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