NKS-R ADdGROUND15th December 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
Significant hazard to a site in Fennoscandia is generated from mid-magnitude seismic event with epicenter localized in the proximity. Earthquake source modeling can be used to understand vibrations in areas close to the earthquake epicenters; but source modeling in stable continental region has limited research background. Different modeling techniques were used for modeling fault stresses/rupture in glaciation scenarios (Lund & Schmidt, 2011) and earthquakes Fälth et al (2014). Uncertainty in such complex models is significant. Measured data from earthquakes and/or explosions can be used to calibrate models.
Modelling techniques were discussed and exploratory modelling work was presented.
For more information, please contact Peter Voss (pv@geus.dk)
Workshop program
10.00 – 11.00
Seismic studies with safety focus to NPP's (Ludovic Fülöp)
Swam events in Finland (Peter H. Voss)
Parameters and exploratory models for the ML2.6 Kouvola earthquake (Vilho Jussila, Ludovic Fülöp, Björn Lund, Billy Fälth)
Coffee break
11.20 – 12.20
12.30-13.00 Discussion and conclusions |