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NKS-R Level 3 PSA seminar

28th January 2016, ÅF, Frösundaleden 2, 169 99 Solna, Sweden



The objective of this seminar is to present and discuss the NPSAG/NKS Level 3 Probabilistic Safety Assessment Project and to receive feedback from participants on the Guidance Document and the development of project conclusions.



Interest in Level 3 off-site consequence probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) has increased in the Nordic region, which is consistent with renewed interest in Level 3 PSA throughout the world. The goal of the project is to assess the capabilities and applications of Level 3 PSA in order to further understanding of the influences and impacts of off-site consequences, mitigative actions, and to indicate any potential impacts on Level 1 and particularly Level 2 PSA to consider when performing Level 3 PSA. The project is in its third year, and is co-financed by NKS, NPSAG and SAFIR (Finnish research on NPP safety), and is being performed by a consortium of Risk consultancies including Lloyd's Register Consulting, Risk Pilot, ÅF, Vattenfall and VTT. The final result of the project being a guidance document on Level 3 PSA that will portray Nordic perspectives on the subject. This seminar will present the findings from the project.


Please register to the meeting via email to (phone +46 (0) 722 44 73 13). 

This one day seminar is open to anyone interested in the topic.

The nearest airports are Stockholm Arlanda and Stockholm Bromma. Each participant is responsible for incurred travel expenses including hotel accommodation. More detailed travel information can be provided upon request by contacting Andrew Wallin Caldwell.


Meeting topics 

  • Review of project
  • Finnish & Swedish Level 3 PSA pilot studies
  • Nordic guidance document
  • Group workshop / discussion


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