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Nordic Nuclear and Radiation Risk Estimates - Advances and Uncertainties

Joint NKS-R and NKS-B Seminar, Finlandshuset, Stockholm, 15-16 January 2019




Tuesday 15 January:
13:00 – 13:10 Welcome Sigurður Magnússon (GR/NKS Chair) + Fredrik Hassel (SSM)
13:10 – 14:00 Key speaker No. 1: Emergencies, ethics and evolution Claire Cousins (Chair of ICRP)
14:00 – 14:20 Overview of the NKS-R and NKS-B programs Christian Linde (SSM/NKS-R) Kasper Andersson (DTU/NKS-B)
Session I: Advances and uncertainties in estimating NPP risk processes (Chair: Annelie Bergman, SSM)
14:20 – 15:40 Site risk analysis for nuclear installations (NKS-R SITRON) Jan-Erik Holmberg (Risk Pilot, Finland)
Assessment of corium risk of a Nordic BWR (NKS-R SPARC) Weimin Ma (KTH)
Reliability of fire barriers (NKS-R FIREBAN) Patrick van Hees (Lund U)
RApid Source TErm Prediction (RASTEP) – A versatile tool for decision support in nuclear emergency situations (NKS-R RASTEP) Anders Riber Marklund (LRC
15:40 – 16:10 Coffee or tea
Session II: Advances and uncertainties in estimating accident risks to the population (Chair: Carsten Israelson, DEMA)
16:10 – 16:50 Key speaker No. 2: Perspectives on interaction with society and associated risks and uncertainties Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (NTNU)
16:50 – 18:15 An Exercise in Early Phase Source Term Estimation From Gamma Spectra (NKS-B EPHSOGAM) Mark Dowdall (NRPA)
Effects of source-term uncertainty and meteorological uncertainty on plume prediction (NKS-B AVESOME) Jens Havskov Sørensen (DMI)
Ways to reduce uncertainties in mobile search of radioactive material out of regulatory control (NKS-B AUTOMORC) Robert Finck (Lund U)
Modelling uncertainties and use of uncertain model results in nuclear emergency preparedness (NKS-B MESO) Steen Hoe (DEMA)
18:15 – 20:00 Reception/poster session with finger-food
Wednesday 16 January:
Coffee or tea
08:30 – 09:00 Key speaker No 3: SSM:s view on how to secure competence in radiation safety in Sweden Anneli Hällgren (SSM)
Session IIIa: Advances, risks and uncertainties in decommissioning and long-term operation (Chair: Ole Harbitz, NRPA)
09:00 – 09:40 Key speaker No. 4: Uncertainties in nuclear back-end management and the path towards a sustainable decommissioning paradigm Kristina Gillin (LRC)
09:40 – 10:20 Status of the decommissioning activities in the Nordic countries Martin Amft (SSM)
Digital technology aided innovation for planning and cross-cutting issues in nuclear decommissioning (NKS-R NORDEC) István Szőke (IFE)
10:20 – 10:50 Coffee or tea
Session IIIb: Advances, risks and uncertainties in decommissioning and long-term operation (Chair: Jorma Aurela, MEAE)
10:50 – 11:50 Safety culture change tools in different life cycles of a nuclear power plant (NKS-R SC-AIM) Teemu Reiman (Lilikoi Consulting)
Advances, uncertainties and pitfalls in measurement for decommissioning waste classification – on the background of the NKS-B RADWORKSHOP Jixin Qiao (DTU)
Improved methods to enhance the understanding of radiation induced degradation of reactor pressure vessels (NKS-R BREDA-RPV) Ulla Ehrnsten (VTT)
11:50 – 13:00 Lunch
Session IV: NORM, waste management and risks to the environment (Chair: Gísli Jónsson, GR)
13:00 – 13:40 Key speaker No. 5: Radiation protection of the environment: – some thoughts and perspectives Justin Brown (NRPA)
13:40 – 14:40 Characterisation of industrial NORM waste including uncertainties (NKS-B CONCORE) Per Roos (DTU)
Risks from naturally occurring radionuclides in the Nordic diet (NKS-B NANOD) Mari Komperød (NRPA)
Now we know why there are so few microcosm studies in radioecology (NKS-B NORCO II) Tanya H. Hevrøy (NRPA)
14:40 – 15:20 Summary and conclusions Astrid Liland (NRPA) Mikael Meister (VAB) + fellow reporters (tbd)
15:20 – 15:30 Closing remarks Sigurður Magnússon (GR/NKS Chair)
End of seminar at 15:30. (Coffee or tea)
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