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Nordic Nuclear Safety: Research, Operations and Beyond
- Joint NKS-R and NKS-B Seminar, Finlandshuset, Stockholm, 24-25 May 2022
Tuesday 24 May:
12:30 – 12:35
Sigurður Magnússon (GR/NKS Chair)
Nina Cromnier (SSM General Director)
Opening Session
(Chair: Sigurður Magnússon, IRSA)
12:35 – 13:20
Opening lecture: The human and societal dimensions of the Fukushima accident
Jacques Lochard (Professor at Nagasaki University, former ICRP vice-chair)
13:20 – 14:05
Opening lecture: ‘Conservatism, Reasonableness and Low-Dose Decision-Making
Roger Coates (former IRPA President)
14:05 – 14:25
Overview of the NKS programs
Ari Leppänen (STUK/NKS-R)
Kasper Andersson (DTU/NKS-B)
Session I: NPP accident sources
(Chair: Carsten Israelson, DEMA)
14:25 – 14:55
Key speaker No. 1: How to present prognostic / probabilistic data in a convincing and reliable way
Knud-Jacob Simonsen (DMI)
14:55 – 15:25
Coffee or tea and poster mounting
(if not done earlier)
15:25 – 16:25
NKS-STATUS: Source Term And Timing Uncertainty in Severe accidents
Anders Riber Marklund / Sergey Galushin (Vysus)
Source localization by inverse methods (SLIM)
Jens Havskov Sørensen (DMI)
Tellurium transport in the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant
Anna-Elina Pasi (Chalmers)
Session II: Accident response and radioecology
(Chair: : Kjartan Guðnason, IRSA)
16:25 – 17:25
Performance of LaBr3 detectors for fresh fallout response (PERLAD)
Mark Dowdall (DSA)
On Nordic handbook for search and rescue in a maritime radiological/nuclear emergency (NKS-B RNSARBOOK)
Øyvind Aas-Hansen (DSA)
Radioecological transfer factors for Nordic subpopulations for assessment of internal committed dose
Mats Isaksson (U. Gothenburg)
17:25 -17:55
Oral poster session
(Chair: Ari Leppänen, STUK)
17:55 – 20:00
Reception/poster session with finger-food and poster viewing
Wednesday 25 May:
Coffee or tea
08:30 – 09:00
Key speaker No. 2: Nordic cooperation in the nuclear safety sector
Kjerstin Kjøndal (U. Agder)
09:00 – 09:30
Key speaker No. 3: Crisis handling under COVID-19 and lessons relevant to nuclear emergency preparedness and response
Astrid Liland (DSA, Norway)
Session III: Plant management and extension
(Chair: Pia Vesterbacka, STUK)
09:30 – 10:10
Barsebäck as research platform – BREDA/BRUTE assessment of thermal and irradiation induced effects on the reactor pressure vessel
Pål Efsing (KTH)
Study of the margin against the fracture for reactor pressure vessels subjected to pressurized thermal shock transients
Tobias Bolinder (Kiwa Inspecta)
10:10 – 10:50
Poster viewing, coffee, tea
10:50 – 11:20
Key speaker No. 4: On future reactor designs
Janne Wallenius (KTH)
Session IV: Reactors and risk assessment
(Chair: Mikael Meister, Vattenfall)
11:20 – 12:00
Modelling of cracking in UO2 and its applications in fuel performance codes
Janne Heikinheimo (VTT)
PROSAFE - A joint Nordic research project on modelling of long time windows, NKS-444
Stefan Authen (Riskpilot)
13:00 – 13:30
Key speaker No. 5: On European research platforms, regional cooperation and future needs in nuclear safety research
Wolfgang Raskob (KIT)
Session V: Decommissioning and waste management
(Chair: Ole Reistad, IFE)
13:30 – 14:50
Towards rapid radiochemical analysis: application of flow-based automation techniques and advanced mass spectrometry
Jixin Qiao (DTU)
Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste
Anumaija Leskinen (VTT)
Radiological characterization of decommissioning waste: Nordic effort on optimization and standardization of the radioanalytical methods for hard-to-measure radionuclides
Xiaolin Hou (DTU)
Corrosion of copper in sulphide containing environment
Elisa Isotahdon (VTT)
14:50 – 15:30
Panel: Summary and conclusions
Moderator: Per Seltborg (SSM). Rapporteurs: Ole Harbitz (former DG, DSA), Jorma Aurela (MEAE). Other panel members: Carol Robinson (DSA), Roberta Hansson (Vattenfall),
Ari Leppänen (STUK/NKS-R), Kasper Andersson (DTU/NKS-B)
15:30 – 15:40
Closing remarks
Sigurður Magnússon (GR/NKS Chair)
End of seminar at 15:40