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Probabilistic Risk Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants

Wednesday January 13, 2010 (9.00 – 15.30)

Arlanda Conference Center (conference room "Boeing 737")­ Stockholm Arlanda Airport (Sky City)


The 4th and final project seminar within the NKS project "The Validity of Safety Goals" will be held in Stockholm on January 13, 2010. This project was initiated in 2006 with the aim to discuss and document current views on the definition, application and use of probabilistic safety criteria, including both benefits and problems. The seminar will give an overview of the work performed during all four project years, with a focus on presenting the activities during the final project year and on the presentation and discussion of the guidance document prepared, "Guidance for the Definition and Application of Probabilistic Safety Criteria".


Agenda:  programme_and_list_of_participants.doc (93 KB)

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