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Minutes & accounts

NKS Board meetings

The board normally meets twice per year, in January and May/June. At the January meeting the board decides on the new year’s budget and the new activities to receive financial support from NKS. At the May/June meeting the previous year’s accounts are presented to the NKS board. All NKS board meetings include a financial statement, and the status of all ongoing NKS-R and NKS-B activities are discussed. Other issues that maybe discussed at NKS Board meetings include policy, structure, information activities and quality assurance.

Minutes of board meetings


NKS Advisory Group meetings

The Advisory Group started working in 2020 in connection with the Call for Proposals 2021. The Advisory Group evaluates and recommends research projects according to guidelines determined by the NKS board.

Minutes of Advisory Group meetings


NKS Coordination meetings

The NKS chairman normally meets twice per year with the NKS programme managers and the NKS secretariat. These meetings serve as preparation for the NKS board’s January and May/June meetings.

Minutes of coordination meetings


NKS accounts

At the NKS board’s meeting in May 2009 it was decided to make the accounts of NKS available via the website.

Approved accounts


Owners Group meetings

The owners of NKS were earlier named “konsortialparter”, and “Konsortialgruppen” made protocols as minutes of their meetings, which often were carried out in connection with the NKS board meetings. The present group of owners employs less formal meetings with no written protocol. Instead a verbal report from the owners’ group is relayed to the following NKS board meeting, with any important issues raised at the owners group meeting recorded as part of the minutes of the NKS board meeting.

Minutes of Konsortialgruppen

Contact NKS   NKS Sekretariatet
Boks 49
DK-4000 Roskilde
  Telephone +45 46 77 40 41

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Website last modified: 25 March 2025