OrganisationThe owners and main financiers of NKS are a number of central authorities and one ministry in the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). Together with a number of experts appointed by the owners they form the NKS Board. All decisions on financing, programme activities, NKS policy etc. are made by the NKS Board. Further funding is provided by a number of supporting organisations who share an interest in nuclear safety.
NKS policy document can be downloaded here.
The rules of procedure for the NKS organisation can be downloaded here.
In addition to the funding provided directly to NKS it should be noted that in-kind contributions are provided by organisations participating in NKS activities, without which it would not be possible for NKS activities to take place.
NKS activities are coordinated through the NKS-R and NKS-B programmes by the NKS programme managers, while the NKS secretariat handles administrative duties such as economy, electronic media, publishing of reports etc.
Owners of NKS:
Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA)
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (MEAE, Finland)
Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority (GR)
Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA)
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)
Supporting organisations:
Fortum Power and Heat Ltd. ( Finland)
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE, Norway)
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (FKA, Sweden)
Oskarshamns Kraftgrupp AB (OKG, Sweden)
Ringhals AB (Sweden)
NKS Board Members
Carsten Israelson
Danish Emergency Management Agency, DEMA
Pia Keski-Jaskari
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority – STUK, Finland
Elísabet D. Ólafsdottír
Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority, IRSA
Carol Robinson
Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, DSA
Per Seltborg
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM
Chairman of NKS
NKS Programme Coordinators
NKS-R Programme
Teemu Siiskonen
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority – STUK, Finland
NKS-B Programme
Kasper G Andersson
Technical University of Denmark, Risø DTU
NKS Secretariat
Finn Physant
FRIT, Denmark