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Gamma sample

Photo: Gamma sample. Source: University of Helsinki, Finland


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NKS NewsFlash 125

Nordic Nuclear Collaboration: Adapting To New Realities Joint NKS-R and NKS-B Seminar, Piperska Muren, Stockholm, 21-22 May 2025 (1st announcement)

NKS NewsFlash 124

CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2025 - Reminder

NKS NewsFlash 123






Nordic Nuclear Safety: Research, Operations and Beyond" - Joint NKS-R and NKS-B Seminar, Finlandshuset, Stockholm 24-25 May 2022 (see seminar program).



All the seminar presentations are available here














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Nordic Nuclear Safety Research


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This site offers information on the purpose, results and structure of NKS (Nordic Nuclear Safety Research). NKS is a platform for Nordic cooperation and competence in nuclear safety including radiation protection and emergency preparedness. The work is financed and supported by Nordic authorities, companies and other organizations. The results are used by financiers and other participating organisations in their decision making processes and information efforts. All results are also available here, free of charge, to anyone interested in NKS activities. When quoting or referring to NKS material a reference to the source would be appreciated.


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Bo Lindell’s History of Radiation, Radioactivity, and Radiological Protection

First book, ‘Pandora’s Box’

Second book, ‘The Sword of Damocles’

Third book, ‘The Labours of Hercules’

Fourth book, ‘The Toil of Sisyphus’


Follow-up on the Bo Lindell books Click here

pdfSource Term and Timing Uncertainty in Severe accidents NKS-STATUS Phase 3 report
pdfBarsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material
pdfEffect of Thermal Ageing and Microstructure on Fracture Mechanical Behaviour of Ni-based Alloy Dissimilar Metal Welds
pdfDISpersion of radioActivity fRom nuclear boMbs (DISARM) – first-year report
pdfDevelopment and testing methods to locate lost gamma-ray sources in ordinary environs by mobile gamma spectrometry, NKS-B REALMORC Report 2023






Presentations from previous seminars:








NKS Joint NKS-R / NKS-B seminars





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