| Effect of Thermal Ageing and Microstructure on Fracture Mechanical Behavior of Ni-based Alloy Dissimilar Metal Welds | | Threat and Hazard Assessment Seminar 2024 | | Data4decom | | NKS-B RadWorkshop 2024 proceedings | | Assessment of climate change's impacts on radioecological safety of subpolar and Nordic marine environment: Final Report from the NKS-B ANTHROPIC | | Source Term and Timing Uncertainty in Severe accidents NKS-STATUS Phase 3 report | | Barsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material | | Effect of Thermal Ageing and Microstructure on Fracture Mechanical Behaviour of Ni-based Alloy Dissimilar Metal Welds | | DISpersion of radioActivity fRom nuclear boMbs (DISARM) – first-year report | | Development and testing methods to locate lost gamma-ray sources in ordinary environs by mobile gamma spectrometry, NKS-B REALMORC Report 2023 | | Internal nuclear safety oversight as part of organizational defence-in-depth – Lessons learned for the Nordic nuclear industry - Intermediate report from the NKS-R INSOLE activity | | Principle Component Analysis as Applied to Qualitative Analysis of Mobile Measurement and Monitoring Data Sets (PRICOMOB) | | Technical Challenges in Metrological Response to a Nuclear Detonation (TEMEDET) | | GammaSkill 2023 Proceedings: Training and seminar for users of gamma-ray spectrometry | | RNSARCARDS, Nordic Action Cards for Maritime RNSAR | | RNSARBOOK (2022), Nordic Handbook for Search and Rescue in a Maritime Radiological / Nuclear Environment | | COMBMORC - Combined analysis of primary and scattered components in mobile gamma spectrometric data for detection of materials out of regulatory control, NKS-B COMBMORC Report 2022 | | Source Term and Timing Uncertainty in Severe accidents NKS-STATUS Phase 2 report | | COMBMORC - Combined analysis of primary and scattered components in mobile gamma spectrometric data for detection of materials out of regulatory control, NKS-B COMBMORC Report 2021 | | Position-sensitive detectors for nuclear fuel imaging (POSEIDON) | | Application of biokinetic parameters for some representative accident cases based on state of the art modelling | | Organic Telluride Formation during a Severe Nuclear Accident (ORTEF) | | SOurce CHAracterizatiOn accounting for meTeorologIcal unCertainties (SOCHAOTIC) – final report | | RNSARCARDS Exercise Evaluation Report | | Barsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material | | Effect of Thermal Ageing and Microstructure on Fracture Mechanical Behaviour of Ni-based Alloy Dissimilar Metal Welds | | RESINA – Intercomparison exercise on alpha radionuclide analysis in spent ion exchange resin | | Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena of the Suppression Pool | | Micromechanical modeling of single crystal and polycrystalline UO2 at elevated temperatures | | Credible release scenarios for nuclear-powered vessels operating in Nordic waters | | Workshop on potential release scenarios from flight testing of nuclear-powered flying vehicles | | Source Term And Timing Uncertainty in Severe Accidents | | Corrosion of copper in sulphide containing environment: the role and properties of sulphide films – Annual report 2021 | | Evaluation of the bioaccumulation processes for a wide set of radionuclides under accidental releases by biota | | SOurce CHAracterizatiOn accounting for meTeorologIcal unCertainties (SOCHAOTIC) – first-year report | | DTM-Decom III - Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM beta and gamma emitters in spent ion exchange resin | | Source Localization by Inverse Methods (SLIM) | | Barsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material | | Seminar on the use of nuclear weapons towards a Nordic country: Scenarios, impact assessments and protective measures | | Analysis of the Performance of LaBr3 Detectors for Fresh Fallout Response (PERLAD) | | GammaRay X Proceedings: Webinar for users of gamma ray spectrometry | | Development of a Resource for the Improvement of National Nuclear Forensics Gamma Spectrometric Core Capabilities (RINFOR) | | Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena of the Suppression Pool - Summary of 2020 activities | | EcoFood - A tool for assessment of radiation exposure in terrestrial environments impacted by airborne releases | | Detection of orphan gamma radiation sources in shielded building geometries by mobile gamma spectrometry. A method of using Compton scattered radiation to estimate the shielding mass thickness of common building material | | Corrosion of copper in sulphide containing environment: the role and properties of sulphide films – Annual report 2020 | | WPS-MAF, Report on design and results from experimental test program for material characterization | | Towards high-fidelity fuel pellet fracture modelling in current and new fuel designs | | Prolonged Available Time and Safe States | | Barsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material | | Intercomparison for separating Pu and Am from environmental samples by a joint radioanalytical method | | DTM-Decom II - Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste | | Scenarios and Phenomena Affecting Risk of Containment Failure and Release Characteristics | | Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena of the Suppression Pool | | Main Outcomes of the TETRA Project on Tellurium Chemistry in a Severe Accident | | Radioecological transfer factors for Nordic subpopulations for assessment of internal committed dose from atmospheric fallout of radiocaesium | | Determination of important alpha emitters in nuclear and environmental samples –OptiMethod 2019 project report | | Natural Radioactivity in Nordic Fish and Shellfish – Final report | | Corrosion of copper in sulphide containing environment: the role and properties of sulphide films - Annual report 2019 | | SHIELDMORC– Detection distances and methods to locate orphan gamma radiation sources in shielded building geometries by mobile gamma spectrometry | | Prolonged Available Time and Safe States | | Barsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material; Summary of 2019 activities | | Source Localization by Inverse Methods (SLIM) | | Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste | | Scenarios and Phenomena Affecting Risk of Containment Failure and Release Characteristics | | WRANC, Warm Pre-Stressing – Validation of the relevance of the main mechanisms behind Warm Pre-Stressing in assessment of nuclear components | | Determination of Fire Barriers reliability for fire risk assessment of Nuclear Power Plants. (FIREBAN) – Final Report | | NKS-B RadWorkshop 2018 proceedings | | Synthetic ground motions to support the Fennoscandian GMPEs | | NKS-B NORCO - Nordic freshwater ecosystem microcosms study | | AUTOMORC – Improvement of automatic methods for identification of radioactive material out of regulatory control (MORC) by mobile gamma spectrometric search experiments. Report 2017 | | Mobile search of material out of regulatory control (MORC) – Detection limits assessed by field experiments | | Added Value of uncertainty Estimates of SOurce term and Meteorology (AVESOME) | | Site risk analysis for nuclear installations | | Barsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material | | Challenges and opportunities for improving Nordic nuclear decommissioning | | Natural Radioactivity in Nordic Fish and Shellfish – Summary report 2018 | | Simultaneous Determination of Isotopes of Pu, Am and Cm in Reactor Water Samples –Report of OptiMethod 2018 project | | Activity estimation of shielded or hidden radionuclides in emergency conditions: Impact of environmental conditions | | Development of a hybrid neutron transport solver in 2 energy groups – final report | | GammaRay 2018 Proceedings: Seminar for users of gamma ray spectrometry | | Phenomena Threatening Containment Integrity in Deterministic and Probabilistic analyses and integration of PRA levels 1 and 2 | | Scenarios and Phenomena Affecting Risk of Containment Failure and Release Characteristics | | COPSAR-NKS Project; Summary report 2017 | | Phenomena Threatening Containment Integrity and Evaluating Source Term Characteristics | | Nordic Exercise for Unmanned Systems | | NKS ICP User 2017 Seminar Proceedings | | Safety Culture Assurance and Improvement Methods in Complex Projects – Final Report from the NKS-R SC_AIM | | Challenges and opportunities for improving Nordic nuclear decommissioning | | An inter-comparison exercise on the application of ICP-MS techniques for measurement of long-lived radionuclides | | Added Value of uncertainty Estimates of SOurce term and Meteorology (AVESOME) | | Comparison of the analytical methods used to determine natural and artificial radionuclides from environmental samples by gamma, alpha and beta spectrometry | | Early Phase Source Term Estimation From Gamma Spectra (EPHSOGAM) | | Activity estimation of shielded or hidden radionuclides in emergency conditions | | GammaSpec 2017 Proceedings | | Determination of Fire Barriers reliability for fire risk assessment of Nuclear Power Plants (FIREBAN) – Report Year 1 | | ATR-2 Part B: Ruthenium transport in an RCS with airborne CsI | | Scenarios and Phenomena Affecting Risk of Containment Failure and Release Characteristics | | Modelling as a Tool to Augment Ground Motion Data in Regions of Diffuse Seismicity – Final report | | Modelling of a Large Water Pool during Operation of Blowdown Pipes, Spargers, and Nozzles | | Scenarios and table top exercise concept on events related to traffic of nuclear-powered vessels and transportation of spent nuclear fuel along the Nordic coastline (COASTEX): Report no. 3 - Final report from the NKS-B Project COASTEX | | COASTEX Exercise Guide. Report no. 2 from the NKS-B COASTEX activity | | COASTEX Scenario Report: nine maritime accident scenarios. Report no. 1 from the NKS-B COASTEX activity | | Simulation of PPOOLEX stratification and mixing experiment SPA-T1 | | Data and visualization solutions for HYBRID core simulation method | | Development of a hybrid neutron transport solver in 2 energy groups | | Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA | | Barsebäck as Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Reactor Pressure Vessel Material | | Preliminary Spray Tests in PPOOLEX | | Mixing Tests with an RHR Nozzle in PPOOLEX | | Sparger Tests in PPOOLEX on the Behaviour of Thermocline | | Safety Culture Assurance and Improvement Methods in Complex Projects – Intermediate Report from the NKS-R SC_AIM | | MEteorological uncertainty of ShOrt-range dispersion (MESO) | | GammaSpec 2016 Proceedings | | Intercomparison of Nordic Unmanned Aerial Monitoring Platforms | | Nordic In Situ gamma Intercomparison. Final Report from NKS-B NISI project (Contract: AFT/B(16)2) | | Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA - Phase 3 Status Report from the NKS-R L3PSA | | Ex-Vessel Steam Explosion Analysis with MC3D | | A summary of studies on debris bed coolability and multi-dimensional flooding | | Mid-term report for Nordic freshwater ecosystem microcosms pilot study | | ATR-2 Part A: Ruthenium chemistry and transport in a RCS due to air radiolysis products | | Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Debris Bed Formation, Spreading, Coolability, and Steam Explosion in Nordic BWRs | | Thermal Stratification and Mixing in a Large Pool Induced by Operation of Spargers, Nozzles, and Blowdown Pipes | | An Inter-comparison Exercise on Evaluating the Application of Novel Techniques in Radiochemical Analysis | | Pre-calculation of a PPOOLEX spray experiment | | Single Spray Nozzle Tests | | CFD simulations of preliminary single spray experiments | | Additional Sparger Tests in PPOOLEX with Reduced Number of Injection Holes | | Modelling as a tool to augment ground motion data in regions of diffuse seismicity - Progress 2015 | | Nuclear icebreaker traffic and transport of radioactive materials along the Nordic coastline: response systems and cooperation to handle accidents (NORCOP-COAST): Final report | | Modelling of DIgital I&C, MODIG — Interim report 2015 | | Safety Demonstration Planning for Digital I&C Projects – Challenges, Future Directions and Improving Guidance | | Fukushima Accident: UNcertainty of Atmospheric dispersion modelling (FAUNA) | | Nuclear forensics within a Nordic context | | Effects of dynamic behaviour of Nordic marine environment to radioecological assessments | | Standardization of Radioanalytical Methods for Determination of 63Ni and 55Fe in Waste and Environmental Samples | | Internal Dosimetry Exercise for enhanced Ability | | Learning from Successes in Nuclear Power Plant Operation - Intermediate Report from the NKS-R LESUN | | Nordic Nuclear Accident Consequence Analysis (NORCON): Final Report | | Advanced In-situ Gamma Spectrometry Field Activity – Chernobyl (GAMFAC) | | An overview of current non-nuclear radioactive waste management in the Nordic countries and considerations on possible needs for enhanced inter-Nordic cooperation | | NORM-related Mining in Nordic Countries: Legislation, practices and case studies | | MC3D simulations of ex-vessel steam explosions in IDPSA framework | | Treatment of ex-vessel debris coolability in IDPSA context | | Modelling of the Effects of Steam Injection through Spargers on Pool Thermal Stratification and Mixing | | Analysis of Debris Bed Formation, Spreading, Coolability, and Steam Explosion in Nordic BWRs | | Deterministic-Probabilistic Safety Analysis Methodology for Analysis of Core Degradation, Ex-vessel Steam Explosion and Debris Coolability | | Analysing Steam Explosions with MC3D | | Coolability analyses of heap-shaped debris bed | | NOVE: Novel neutron detection methods for nuclear security – Dynamic testing | | Software reliability analysis for PSA: failure mode and data analysis | | Impact of Aerosols on the Transport of Ruthenium in the primary circuit of nuclear power plant | | Fukushima Accident: UNcertainty of Atmospheric dispersion modelling (FAUNA) | | CFD and FEM modeling of blowdown of gas into pressure suppression pool | | Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA | | Application of Rapid and Automated Techniques in Radiochemical Analysis | | Characterisation of NORM Contaminated Objects: Reliable & Efficient | | PPOOLEX Experiments with a Sparger | | PIV Measurements of DCC-06 and DCC-07 PPOOLEX Experiments | | Measuring Procedure Competence. Final Report from the NKS-R(14)112/13 | | SemUnaRS – Seminar on Unmanned Radiometric Systems | | Guidelines for reliability analysis of digital systems in PSA context — Final report | | Nordic Nuclear Forum for Generation IV Reactors 2014 | | Human performance tools in nuclear power plant maintenance activities - Final report of HUMAX project | | Progress on Standardization of Radioanalytical Methods for determination of important radionuclides for environmental assessment and waste management in Nordic nuclear industry | | Effects of dynamic behaviour of Nordic marine environment to radioecological assessments | | GammaUser 2014 Proceedings, 6–8 October 2014 Helsinki, Finland | | THYROIDSEM: Seminar: Assessment of accidental uptake of radioiodine in emergency situations | | Building a generic voxel phantom of IRINA for Monte Carlo simulations | | Prediction and validation of pool fire development in enclosures by means of CFD Models for risk assessment of nuclear power plants (Poolfire) – Final Report | | Human-Performance Tools in Maintenance Work - A Case Study in a Nordic Nuclear Power Plant | | Mobile Measurement: Field Exercise in Fallout Mapping in the Belarusian Exclusion Zone (MOBELRAD) | | Sensitivity Study of Steam Explosion Energetics in Reference Nordic BWR using MC3D Code | | Study and comparison of data on Coolability of Particulate Beds Packed with Irregular Multi-size Particles | | Analysis of Debris Bed Formation, Spreading, Coolability, and Steam Explosion in Nordic BWRs | | Effective Models for Simulation of Thermal Stratification and Mixing Induced by Steam Injection into a Large Pool of Water | | Feasibility Study for Connection Between IDPSA and conventional PSA Approach to Analysis of Nordic type BWR’s | | A study on the coolability of debris bed geometry variations using 2D and 3D models | | COOLOCE-12 debris bed coolability experiment: Cone on a cylindrical base | | COOLOCE debris bed coolability experiments with an agglomerate | | Communicating Dispersion Modelling Results to the Public | | Chugging Test with DN100 Blowdown Pipe in the PPOOLEX Facility | | PPOOLEX Mixing Experiments | | CFD and FEM simulations of pressure suppression pool behaviour | | Meteorological Uncertainty of atmospheric Dispersion model results (MUD) | | Novel neutron detection methods for nuclear security | | Evaluation of Existing Applications and Guidance on Methods for HRA – EXAM-HRA - Phase 3a Summary Report | | Software reliability analysis for PSA | | Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA — Phase 1 Status Report | | Guidelines for reliability analysis of digital systems in PSA context — Phase 4 Status Report | | Improving design processes in the nuclear domain. Insights on organisational challenges from safety culture and resilience engineering perspectives | | The expected and experienced benefits of Human performance tools in nuclear power plant maintenance activities - Intermediate report of HUMAX project | | NKS-R Decommissioning Seminar 2013 | | Assessment of accidental uptake of iodine-131 in emergency situations | | Nordic sharing of experience from radiation emergency preparedness exercises | | Consequences of severe radioactive releases to Nordic Marine environment | | GammaTest 2013 Proceedings | | Doses from natural radioactivity in wild mushrooms and berries to the Nordic population | | Using Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) Modelling for Rapid Source Term Prediction – Final Report | | NKS Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry - Final report | | Abstract Book of the NKS Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry, Risø, Roskilde, Denmark, 2-6th September 2013 | | Meteorological Uncertainty of atmospheric Dispersion model results (MUD) | | Simulations of Ex-vessel Fuel Coolant Interactions in a Nordic BWR using MC3D Code | | Study on Effective Particle Diameters and Coolability of Particulate Beds Packed with Irregular Multi-size Particles | | Investigation of debris bed formation, spreading and coolability | | COOLOCE debris bed experiments and simulations investigating the coolability of cylindrical beds with different materials and flow modes | | Adsorption and revaporisation studies of thin iodine oxide and CsI aerosol deposits from containment surface materials in LWRs | | Validation of Effective Momentum and Heat Flux Models for Stratification and Mixing in a Water Pool | | Modelling of pressure loads in a pressure suppression pool | | Prediction and validation of pool fire development in enclosures by means of CFD Models for risk assessment of nuclear power plants (Poolfire) - Report Year 2 | | PPOOLEX EXPERIMENTS ON THE DYNAMICS OF FREE WATER SURFACE IN THE BLOWDOWN PIPE | | PIV MEASUREMENTS AT THE BLOWDOWN PIPE OUTLET | | Final report of MoReMO 2011-2012. Modelling Resilience for Maintenance and Outage | | Safety culture in design | | Guidelines for reliability analysis of digital systems in PSA context — Phase 3 Status Report | | Consequences of severe radioactive releases to Nordic Marine environment | | Mobile Measurement Systems, Final Report from NKS-B MOMS (Contract: AFT/B(12)4) | | GammaWorkshops 2012 Proceedings | | Doses from natural radioactivity in wild mushrooms and berries to the Nordic population. Interim Report from the NKS-B BERMUDA activity | | Adsorption and revaporisation studies on iodine oxide aerosols deposited on containment surface materials in LWR | | Gamma Spectrometric Discrimination of Special Nuclear Materials | | Nordic Forum for Generation IV Reactors, Status and activities in 2012 | | New simple deposition model based on reassessment of global fallout data 1954 – 1976 | | A Nordic Approach to Impact Assessment of Accidents with Nuclear-Propelled Vessels | | Using Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) Modelling for Rapid Source Term Prediction - RASTEP Phase 1 | | Effective Momentum and Heat Flux Models for Simulation of Stratification and Mixing in a Large Pool of Water | | Natural Radionuclides in Meadow and Pasture land in the Nordic countries | | Modeling of interaction of multiple vent pipes in a pressure suppression pool | | Organizational factors in design and implementation of technological and organizational solutions in the nuclear industry. | | Intermediate report of MoReMO. Modelling Resilience for Maintenance and Outage. | | Guidelines for reliability analysis of digital systems in PSA context — Phase 2 status report | | Prediction and validation of pool fire development in enclosures by means of CFD (Poolfire) Report – Year 1 | | GammaWorkshops Proceedings | | Nordic proficiency test for whole body counting facilities | | Radiation survey meters used for environmental monitoring | | Progress on Radiochemical Analysis for Nuclear Waste Management in Decommissioning | | NOMAGE4 activities 2011, Part II, Supercritical water loop | | NOMAGE4 activities, Part I, Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors: Status and activites in 2011 | | NKS FOOD Final Report | | Orphan Sources and Fresh Fallout: Virtual Exercise in Mobile Measurement (ORPEX) | | Nordic Nuclear Safety Research 1994 - 2008: From Standardized 4-Year Classics to Customized R&B | | Preparedness Organisations at Nordic nuclear Power Plants | | Numerical modelling of pressure suppression pools with CFD and FEM codes | | Development and Validation of Effective Models for Simulation of Stratification and Mixing Phenomena in a Pool of Water | | Wire System Ageing Assessment and Condition Monitoring (WASCO) | | In-vessel Coolability and Steam Explosion in Nordic BWRs | | Experimental study on iodine chemistry (EXSI) - Containment experiments with methyl iodide | | NKS-B NordRisk II: Nuclear risk from atmospheric dispersion in Northern Europe - Summary Report | | Method-MS, final report | | NKS NordRisk II: Atlas of long-range atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides from selected risk sites in the Northern Hemisphere | | Multiple Blowdown Pipe Experiments with the PPOOLEX Facility | | PPOOLEX Experiments on Stratification and Mixing in the Wet Well Pool | | Nuclear Safety Culture in Finland and Sweden - Developments and Challenges | | In-vivo whole body measurement of intern radioactivity in the Nordic countries | | Automation strategies in five domains - A comparison of levels of automation, function allocation and visualisation of automatic functions | | CFD and FEM modeling of PPOOLEX experiments | | PPOOLEX Experiments on Dynamic Loading with Pressure Feedback | | PPOOLEX Experiments with Two Parallel Blowdown Pipes | | Biological dosimetry following exposure to neutrons in a criticality accident | | PardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas | | Comparison of VNEM to Measured Data from Ringhals Unit 3 (Phase 3) | | Guidelines for reliability analysis of digital systems in PSA context - Phase 1 Status Report | | Human Reliability Guidance - How to Increase the Synergies between Human Reliability, Human Factors, and System Design & Engineering. Phase 2: The American Point of View - Insights of How the US Nuclear Industry Works With Human Reliability Analysis | | Human Reliability Guidance - How to Increase the Synergies between Human Reliability, Human Factors, and System Design & Engineering. Phase 1: The Nordic Point of View - A User Needs Analysis | | Modeling of Condensation, Stratification, and Mixing Phenomena in a Pool of Water | | GammaSem Proceedings - A Nordic seminar for users of gamma spectrometry - Kjeller 28-29 September 2010 | | Guidance to Risk-Informed Evaluation of Technical Specifications using PSA | | Radiochemical Analysis for Nuclear Waste Management in Decommissioning | | Experimental study on iodine chemistry (EXSI) -Containment experiments with methyl iodide | | In-vessel Coolability and Steam Explosion in Nordic BWRs | | Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry for Radioecology and Waste Management: Report, evaluation, abstracts and full papers of presentations. | | Hair and feathers as indicator of internal contamination of Po-210 and Pb-210 | | Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors | | Assessment of weathering and leaching rates of Thule hot particles | | NordDSS - report from workshop on the use of Decision Support Systems | | Safety Culture in the Finnish and Swedish Nuclear Industries - History and Present | | GammaSem Proceedings - A Nordic seminar for users of gamma spectrometry - Oslo 15-16 September 2009 | | Comparison of VNEM to Measured Data from Ringhals Unit 3 IACIP, NKS-R-2008-61 | | PardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas - Status report for the NKS-B | | Modelling of blowdown of steam in the pressurized PPOOLEX facility | | Studies on the effect of flaw detection probability assumptions on risk reduction at inspection | | Proficiency Test in the Analysis of Gamma Spectra for Malevolent Radiological Situations (MALRAD) | | Final report from the NKS NordThreat seminar in Asker, Norway 30 and 31 October 2008 | | Speciation Analysis of Radionuclides in the Environment - NKS-B SPECIATION project report 2009 | | Experimental study on iodine chemistry (EXSI) - Containment experiments with elemental iodine | | Improving Accuracy of the Calculation of In-core Power Distributions for Light Water Reactors | | Stratification issues in the primary system. Review of available validation experiments and State-of the-Art in modelling capabilities (StratRev) | | Proceedings of the NKS-R and NKS-B Joint Summary Seminar | | PPOOLEX Experiments on Wall Condensation | | PPOOLEX Experiments with a Modified Blowdown Pipe Outlet | | PPOOLEX Experiments on Thermal Stratification and Mixing | | Wire System Ageing Assessment and Condition Monitoring (WASCO) | | GOTHIC code simulation of thermal stratification in POOLEX facility | | Probabilistic Safety Goals. Phase 3 - Status Report | | Extremes temperatures and enthalpy in Finland and Sweden in a changing climate | | Long-term decline of radiocaesium in Fennoscandian reindeer | | Assessing the impact of releases of radionulides into sewage systems in urban environemnt - simulation, modelling and experimental studies ? LUCIA | | Urban Gamma Spectrometry: Report 2 | | Urban Gamma Spectrometry: Report 1 | | NKS-B FOREST Seminar, Helsinki, 7-8 October 2008. Proceedings. | | Analysis of remotely accrued complex gamma ray spectra ? proficiency test. | | Filling knowledge gaps in radiation protection methodologies for non-human biota - Final | | Emergency preparedness exercise for biological dosimetry - BIOPEX (2008). | | PardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas. Status report for the NKS-B activity 2008. | | EcoDoses. Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems: A status report for the NKS-B activity 2006. | | Sampling in forests for radionuclide analysis. ? General and practical guidance | | Knowledge gaps in relation to radionuclide levels and transfer to wild plants and animals, in the context of environmental impact assessements, and a strategy to fill them | | Po-210 and other radionuclides in terrestrial and freshwater environments | | Overview of sources of radioactive particles of Nordic relevance as well as a short description of available particle characterisation techniques | | Levels of Automation and User Control - Evaluation of a Turbine Automation Interface | | MORE: Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects, Final Report | | NKS NordRisk. Atlas of long-range atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides from selected risk sites in the Northern Hemisphere | | Speciation Analysis of Radionuclides in the Environment. NKS-B Speciation project report 2007 | | Decision support handbook for recovery of contaminated inhabited areas | | PardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas | | Development and application of the PCC biodosimetry method in emergency preparedness | | Probabilistic Safety Goals. Phase 2 - Status Report | | NPSAG/NKS: Interpretation and Evaluation of the Technical Specification Criteria | | LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF NPP INSTRUCTIONS | | CFD Simulation of Air Discharge Tests in the PPOOLEX Facility | | Steam Line Rupture Experiments with the PPOOLEX Test Facility | | Characterizing Experiments of the PPOOLEX Test Facility | | Interactions of RuO4(g) with different surfaces in nuclear reactor containments | | Cost Calculations for Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Research Facilities | | Conducting organizational safety reviews ? requirements, methods and experience | | MORE: Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects, Project Report 2007 | | RADDA - Comparison of results of three ATWS/ATWC scenarios simulated with the help of POLCA-T and S3K/RELAP5 | | Analysis of flow fields, temperatures and ruthenium transport in the test facility | | Ex-Vessel Corium Coolability and Steam Explosion Energetics in Nordic Light Water Reactors | | YoungRad-seminar. Proceedings. Seminar for young scientists in the fields of radiophysics, radiochemistry, radioecology, radiation protection and related fields.Helsinki 14-15 December 2006 | | Nuclear risks from atmospheric dispersion over Northern Europe. Final report of the NKS-B project NordRisk | | Wire System Aging Assessment and Condition Monitoring (WASCO) | | Ex-Vessel Coolability and Energetics of Steam Explosions in Nordic Light Water Reactors | | Organisational reviews - requirements, methods and experience. Progress report 2006 | | Analysis of Loads and Fluid-Structure Interactions in a Condensation Pool | | Probabilistic Safety Goals. Phase 1 ? Status and Experiences in Sweden and Finland | | Automation Inflicted Differences on Operator Performance in Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms | | Experiments on the behaviour of ruthenium in air ingress accidents | | A Procedure to Generate Input Data of Cyclic Softening and Hardening for FEM Analysis from Constant Strain Amplitude Fatigue Tests in LCF Regime | | Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects. Project Report 2006 | | Combined Effects Experiments with the Condensation Pool Test Facility | | Nordic Network of Meteorological Services Engaged in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness ? NKS-MetNet | | Cost Calculations for Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Research Facilities, Phase 1 | | Evaluation of NKS Research Activities during 2002 - 2005 | | Intercomparison of Laboratory Analyses of Radionuclides in Environmental Samples | | Proceedings of the Summary Seminar within the NKS-B Programme 2002-2005. 24-25 October 2005, Tartu, Estonia. (Printet report.) | | The NKS-B CommTech seminars on effective use of communication technology in radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness | | Emergency Monitoring Strategy and Radiation Measurements. Working Document of the NKS Project Emergency Management and Radiation Monitoring in Nuclear and Radiological Accidents (EMARAD). | | Proceedings of the Summary Seminar within the NKS-B Programme 2002-2005. 24-25 October 2005, Tartu, Estonia | | Inventory and Source Term Evaluation of Russian Nuclear Power Plants for Marine Applications | | Russian Nuclear Power Plants for Marine Applications | | Emergency Management and Radiation Monitoring in Nuclear and Radiological Accidents. Summary Report on the NKS Project EMARAD. | | The NKS-NORCMASS guide to beginners in ICP-MS | | NKS-Norcmass reference material for analysis of Pu-isotopes and 237Np by mass spectrometry | | Nordic Collaboration on the use of Mass-Spectrometers for the Analysis of Radioisotopes. NKS-project NORCMASS. Final report | | MORE. Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects. Project Report 2005 | | NKS-R ExCoolSe Mid-term Report. KTH Severe Accidents Research Relevant to the NKS-ExCoolSe | | Nordic perspectives on safety management in high reliability organizations: Theory and applications | | Wire System Aging Assessment and Condition Monitoring (WASCO) | | RADCHEM 2005 - Radiochemical analysis in emergency and routine situations | | Assessment of Internal Doses in Emergency Situations | | Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Water Pool under Loading Caused by Steam Injection | | Simulation and Analysis of Data for Enhancing Low Cycle Fatigue Test Procedures | | Area Specific Stripping factors for AGS. A method for extracting stripping factors from survey data | | RADCHEM - Radiochemical procedures for the determination of Sr, U, Pu, Am and Cm | | EcoDoses - Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems. A status report for the NKS-B project 2005 | | Theory of Sampling. A mini seminar under the NKS project SAMPSTRAT | | Nuclear Threats in the Vicinity of the Nordic Countries. Supplementary Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research | | Human metabolism of caesium | | Management of change in the nuclear industry - Evidence from maintenance reorganizations | | Experiments on the behaviour of ruthenium in air ingress accidents - Progress report | | Thermal stratification experiments with the condensation pool test rig | | Workshop on decommissioning. (Seminarium om avveckling, Risø, 13-15 september 2005) | | Traceability and Communication of Requirements in Digital I&C Systems Development. Final Report. | | Modeling Goals and Functions of Control and Safety Systems - theoretical foundations and extensions of MFM | | Countermeasures and Barriers | | Ex-Vessel Coolability and Energetics of Steam Explosions in Nordic Light Water Reactors - EXCOOLSE Project Report 2004 | | Condensation Pool Experiments with Steam Using DN200 Blowdown Pipe | | EcoDoses. Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems. A status report for the NKS-B project 2004 | | Area Specific Stripping of lower energy windows for AGS and CGS NaI systems | | Maintenance culture and management of change. - Intermediate report 2004. | | Final Report of the 'Nordic Thermal-Hydraulic and Safety Network (NOTNET)' - Project. | | A summary of the Nordic-group conference on safety management, Lund, Sweden, October 28-29, 2004. | | Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) Seminar on Experience | | Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Water Pool under Loading Caused by a Condensation-Induced Water Hammer. | | Traceability and Communication of Requirements in Digital I&C Systems Development - Project Report 2004. | | Knowledge Management in Nordic NPPs. Summary report of the findings from the workshop. | | NKS-B mini-seminar, RADSEM-2004 | | Nuclear Seminar on Nuclear Automation, 5-7 April 2004 in Oskarshamn, Sweden | | Ruthenium Behaviour in Severe Nuclear Accident Conditions - Final Report. | | Pre-Project on Development and Validation of Melt Behavior in Severe Accidents | | EcoDoses. Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems. A status report for the NKS-B project 2003 | | Contextual assessment of maintenance culture at Olkiluoto and Forsmark. | | Risk Informed Decision Making - a Pre-Study. | | CCF Model Comparison. | | Preliminary condensation pool experiments with steam using DN80 and DN100 blowdown pipes. | | Numerical analyses of a water pool under loadings caused by a condensation induced water hammer. | | On safety management and nuclear safety. | | Ruthenium behaviour in severe nuclear accident conditions - progress report. | | Traceability and Communication of Requirements in Digital I&C Systems Development. Project Report 2003. | | VALDOR 2003. Values in Decisions On Risk. Proceedings. | | Conference on Radioactive Contamination in Urban Areas | | 3D Analysis Methods - Study and Seminar. | | Safety Management: A Frame of Reference for Studies of Nuclear Power. Safety Management and Case Studies from Non-Nuclear Contexts | | Barriers, Control and Management. Report from the pilot phase. | | ECCOMAGS: Initial results from the RESUME 2002 exercise | | Co-ordination and modernisation of methods for AGS and CGS measurements of multi-nuclide contamination. Report from a seminar | | Nuclear Emergency Preparedness in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Countries | | The Possibility and the Effects of a Steam Explosion in the BWR Lower Head on Recriticality of a BWR Core | | Recriticality calculation with GENFLO code for the BWR core after steam explosion in the lower head | | Systematic Analysis of Dependent Human Errors From the Maintenance History at Finnish NPPs - A Status Report | | The Use of Condition Monitoring Information for Maintenance Planning and Decision-Making | | Comparative Study of Approaches to Estimate Pipe Break Frequencies | | Transfer Factors for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness | | Combining Internet Technology and Mobile Phones for Emergency Response Management | | Summaries of studies carried out in the NKS/BOK-2 project - Technical report | | Samordningsfunktionen. Slutrapport for Nordisk Kernesikkerhedsforsknings projekt SEK | | Final Summary Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Program 1998-2001 | | Facklig utvärdering av NKS-programmet 1998 - 2001 | | Nuclear threats in the vicinity of the Nordic countries. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project SBA-1 | | Radiological and Environmental Consequences. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project BOK-2 | | Intercomparison of Radionuclides in Environmental Samples 2000-2001 | | Nuclear Safety in Perspective. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project SOS-1 | | Mobile Gamma Spectrometry. Evaluation of the Resume 99 Exercise | | Structural integrity of a reinforced concrete structure and a pipe outlet under hydrogen detonation conditions | | Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Seminar on Radioecology. 25-28 February 2001, Rovaniemi, Finland | | NKS/SRV Seminar on Barents Rescue 2001 LIVEX. Gamma Search Cell | | Nuclear Emergency Preparedness. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project BOK-1 | | Advances in operational safety and severe accident research. Final report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project SOS-2 | | Measurements of plume geometry and argon-41 radiation field at the BR1 reactor in Mol, Belgium | | A risk informed safety classification for a Nordic NPP | | Severe Accident Research and Management in Nordic Countries - A Status Report | | Tools for forming strategies for remediation of forests and park areas in northern Europe after radioactive contamination: background and techniques | | A Study on Hydrogen Deflagration for Selected Severe Accident Sequences in Ringhals 3 | | Formation and behaviour of organic iodine | | An analysis of errors of commission in the Nordic nuclear power plants based on plant operating experience | | Evaluering av organisasjonen - NKS-programmet 1998-2001 | | Safety and Radiation Protection in Waste Management. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project SOS-3 | | Main Features of Kola, Leningrad and Ignalina NPPs for Emergency Preparedness Purposes | | Atmospheric transport and deposition of large particles released during the chernobyl accident | | Agricultural Countermeasures in the Nordic Countries after a Nuclear Accident | | MKB och SMB i Norden. Seminarium, Åbo 22-24 augusti 2001. EIA and SEA in the Nordic Countries. Seminar, Turku, August 22-24 2001 | | Radioactivity in commercially available metals | | The Potential Risks from Russian Nuclear Ships. NKS-SBA-1 Status Report | | Human factors in maintenance: Development and research in Swedish nuclear power plants | | Accreditation. Its relevance for laboratories measuring radionuclides | | Identification and communication of uncertainties of phenomenological models in PSA | | Decision criteria in PSA applications | | The Use of Synthetic Spectra to Test the Preparedness to Evaluate and Analyze Complex Gamma Spectra | | Syn på kvalitetssäkring vid finländska och svenska kärnkraftverk samt vid Haldenreaktorn | | Baltic Nuclear workshop Stockholm March 19 - 20, 2001. Final report | | Gränsöverskridande kommunikation - Problem och lärdomar i kommunikationen över expertområden | | NKS/SOS-1 Seminar on Safety analysis. Report from a seminar held on 22-23 March 2000. Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, DK | | NKS/SOS-1 Seminarium, 2000-09-25 - Riskkommunikation i Oskarshamn | | Experiences of Storage of Radioactive Waste Packages in the Nordic Countries | | Experience from the comparison of two PSA-studies | | Organisationskulturen inom den finländska Strålsäkerhetscentralens (STUK) avdelning för övervakning av kärnkraftverk. Organisational culture at the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland's department of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. | | Behandling av säkerhetsrelaterade frågor i kärnkraftverkens ledningsgrupper, (Handling of safety issues in the senior management group at the nuclear power plants) | | NKS/SOS-1 Seminarium om Kvalitetssäkring. Rapport från ett seminarium i Ringhals den 16-17 januari 2001. (NKS/SOS-1 Seminar on Quality Assurance in Nordic nuclear reactor plants. Ringhals, January 16-17, 2001) | | Radiological Emergency Monitoring Systems in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Countries | | HUGINN. A late-phase nuclear emergency exercise | | Seminar on Detectors and Measurements Techniques. 3-4 May 2001, Lund, Sweden | | Source Preparations for Alpha and Beta Measurements | | Three-dimensional Simulation of Hydrogen Detonations in the Olkiluoto BWR Reactor Building | | Gas Phase Chemistry and Removal of CH3I during a Severe Accident | | Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar i Norden Temamöte, Island, 2-6 september 2000. (Environmental Impact Assessments in the Nordic Countries. Meeting, Iceland, September 2-6, 2000.) | | Safety- and risk analysis activities in other areas than the nuclear industry | | Current practice for clearance in the Nordic Countries | | NKS 1999 intercomparison of measurements of radioactivity | | Reinforced concrete wall under hydrogen detonation | | Ecological Half-lives of Radioactive elements in Semi-natural Systems | | Sampling methods. A survey of methods in use in the Nordic Countries | | A Guide to Countermeasures for Implementation in the Event of a Nuclear Accident Affecting Nordic Food-Producing Areas | | RESUME 99. Rapid Environmental Surveying Using Mobile Equipment | | Syn på säkerhetskultur vid svenska och finska kärnkraftverk | | On Detonation Dynamics in Hydrogen-Air-Steam Mixtures: Theory and Application to Olkiluoto Reactor Building | | SOS-1 Seminarium om säkerhetskultur. Rapport från ett seminarium i Olkiluoto d. 26-27 oktober 1999 | | Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar vid slut-förvaring av radioaktivt avfall. Temamöte, Roskilde, Danmark, 30-31 augusti 1999 | | Final Summary Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Program 1994-1997 | | Methods to Prevent the source Term of Methyl Iodide During a Core Melt Accident | | Reliability Centered Maintenance miniseminar | | Emergency exercises and information exchange. Does practice make perfect? | | Proceedings of the NKS/SOS-2 Seminar on Risk Informed Principles. Bergendal 13.4.-14.4 1999 | | Planer for NKS-programmet 1998-2001 | | Description of the Magnox Type of Gas Cooled Reactor (MAGNOX) | | Säkerhetsindikatorer inom kärnkraftindustrin; definitioner, användning och erfarenheter Rapport från ett seminarium på VTT den 17-18 mars 1999 | | Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar vid slutförvaring av radioaktivt avfall. Temamöte, Gardermoen, Norge, 24-25 november 1998 | | Systematisk underhållsanalys med beslutsstöd. Metodik och verktyg för effektivisering av underhållsprogram | | Marine Radioecology. Final reports from sub-projects within the Nordic Nuclear Safety. Research Programme Project EKO-1 | | A Procedure for Estimation of Pipe Break Probabilities due to IGSCC | | Marine Radioecology | | Overriding Information Issues | | Emergency Exercise Scenario Tools | | REAKTORSÄKERHET; En beskrivning och värdering av säkerhetsarbetet i Norden (see also NKS-76) | | Modernisation for Maintaining and Improving Safety at Nordic Nuclear Power Plants | | Integrated Sequence Analysis | | Source Term Calculations - Ringhals 2 PWR | | Preparedness Strategy and Procedures | | RESUME 95 Rapid Environmental Surveying Using Mobile Equipment | | Från jord till bord. EKO-3.4 Rapport 1997 | | Operational Intervention Levels in a Nuclear Emergency, General Concepts and a Probabilistic Approach | | Parametric Studies on Containment Thermal Hydraulic Loads during high pressure Melt Ejection in a BWR | | Strategies for Reactor Safety: Preventing Loss of Coolant Accidents | | Safety in the Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste | | Safety against Releases in Severe Accidents | | Strategies for Reactor Safety | | Characterisation of long-lived low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes in the Nordic countries | | Half a Century of Nordic Nuclear co-operation. An Insider's Recollections | | On core debris behaviour in the pressure vessel lower head of Nordic boiling water reactors | | Reclamation of contaminated urban and rural environments following a severe nuclear accident | | Early Phase Clean-Up Actions after Nuclear Accidents | | Report for the second meeting on Nordic dispersion / Trajectory model intercomparison with the ETEX-1 full-scale experiment NKS/EKO-4 intercomparison/validation exercise held at FMI, Helsinki, 4th and 5th December 1996 | | Evaluation Report of the Nordic-Baltic Annex to the INEX-2-FIN-Exercise April 17, 1997 | | On recriticality during reflooding of a degrading boiling water reactor core | | Performance analysis for waste repositories in the Nordic countries - Report for Project AFA-1.2 | | CAMS Achievements in 1996 | | Seminarium om Granskning för säkerhet och kvalitet Strategi och praxis. den 16-17 januari 1997 på VTT i Esbo, Finland | | Technical Report EKO-2.1 The sheep project 1996 | | Dose Rate Measurements and Action Levels in the Event of a Nuclear Accident: Variational Analysis | | Evaluation of sediment sampling devices and methods used in the NKS/EKO-1 project | | Evaluation of early phase nuclear accident clean-up procedures for Nordic residential areas | | Accidents in Nuclear Ships | | Nordic System for Data and Information Exchange - Report from meetings with the authorities, and proposal for further work | | Studies on melt-water-structure interaction during severe accidents | | En jämförelse mellan myndighetsarbetet inom kärnsäkerheten i Finland och Sverige | | An intercomparison exercise on radionuclides in sediment samples | | Basis for Nordic Operational Intervention. Levels Methodology for deriving Operational Intervention Levels | | The use of natural products for consumption in Denmark | | Soil ingestion in farm animals - A review | | A cognitive task analysis of the SGTR scenario | | Håndbok for atomberedskap i Norden Revidert utgave (see also NKS-76) | | CAMS achievements in 1995 | | Information and communication - in the event of abnormal situations relating to nuclear power | | Description of the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay | | Technical Report EKO-2.3 Long ecological half-lives of radionuclides in Nordic Limnic systems | | Monitoring artificial radioactivity in the Nordic countries | | Technical Report EKO-2.2 Transfer of radiocesium via mushrooms to roe deer and man | | Technical Report EKO-2.1 The sheep project 1994-1995 | | Avfallskaraktärisering för långlivat låg- och medelaktivt avfall i Norden - Delrapportering för projekt AFA-1.1 | | Coolability of degraded core under reflooding conditions in Nordic boiling water reactors | | Report of the Nordic Dispersion-/Trajectory Model Comparison with the ETEX-1 Fullscale Experiment - NKS/EKO-4 Intercomparison/validation Exercise held at Risø, Denmark, 6-7 June 1995 | | Nordic Nuclear Emergency Exercises | | Survey of methods for integrated sequence analysis with emphasis on man-machine interaction | | Summary of approaches to dynamic analysis of man-machine interaction | | Intervention principles and levels in the event of a nuclear accident | | The CAMS prototype | | Dispersion prognoses and consequences in the environment - a Nordic development and harmonization effort | | Nordic studies in reactor safety | | Safety Evaluation by Living Probabilistic Safety Asssessment and Safety Indicators | | Decommissioning of a Uranium Reprocessing Pilot Plant | | Design and safety features of nuclear reactors neighbouring the Nordic countries | | The Nordic emergency preparedness programme 1990-93 | | The Nordic programme on waste and decommisioning (KAN) 1990-93 | | Guidance on Clearance from Regulatory Control of Radioactive Materials | | Cleanup of Large Radioactive-contaminated Areas and Disposal of Generated Waste | | Evaluation report of the Nordic emergency exercise Odin - November 26, 1993 | | Conservation and Retrieval of Information - Elements of strategy to inform future societies about nuclear waste repositories | | Evaluation report of the Nordic emergency exercise Nora - January 14, 1993 | | Disposal of Radioactive Wastes from the Cleanup of Large Areas Contaminated in Nuclear Accidents - A literature survey | | Algae as Bioindicators for radionuclides in Nordic Coastal Wasters - A miniseminar held at Forsmark, Sweden Oct. 16-17 1990 under the sponsorship of NKS | | Radioecology in Nordic Limnic Systems - present knowlegde and future prospects | | Deposition and removal of radioactive substances in an urban area | | Aspects of nuclear waste management after a 4-year Nordic programme | | The influence of chemistry on core melt accidents | | Optimization of technical specifications by use of probabilistic methods - A Nordic perspective | | Information technology for emergency management | | Natural radiation, nuclear wastes and chemical pollutants | | Dependencies, human interactions and uncertainties in probabilistic safety assessment | | Environmental consequences of releases from nuclear accidents - a Nordic perspective | | Management of radioactive waste from a major core damage in a BWR power plant | | Aerosol transport in servere reactor accidents | | Some studies related to decommissioning of nuclear reactors | | Kvalitetssäkring av transportbehållare för radioaktivt material | | Geologifrågor i samband med slutförvar av kärnbränsle i det fennoskandiska urberget | | Optimization of radiation protection at nuclear power plants | | Principles for decisions involving environmental and health risks | | Risk analysis and safety rationale | | Prevention of catastrophic failure in pressure vessels and pipings | | Crack arrest - additional safety against catastrophic fracture | | Nordiska transporter | | Intergranular stress corrosion cracking | | Severe accidents analysis - a Nordic study of codes | | Corrosion in seawater systems | | Behaviour of Marine Pollutants Studied by Radioecological Methods | | Evaluering af NKAs sikkerhedsprogram 1981-1985 | | Training diagnostic skills for nuclear power plants | | Nordic Reactor Safety Research 1981 - 85. Summary report of the NKA/SÄK Programme | | Sjøvannsbestandige materialer - kunnskapsoverføring fra kjernekraft til offshoreindustrien | | Risk analysis uses and techniques in the non-nuclear field - a Nordic perspective | | Emnesorienterte prosjektkataloger - en katalysator for nordisk samarbeid? | | The human component in the safety of complex systems | | Nordisk radioekologi - en sammanfattning av 4 års nordiskt samarbete | | Management of radioactive waste resulting from nuclear fuel damage | | Organization for safety | | Radiological implications of coal and peat utilization in the Nordic countries | | Long-term properties of bituminized waste products | | Computer codes for small-break loss-of-coolant accidents - a Nordic assessment | | Corrosion in the nuclear industry - a Nordic survey | | The design process and the use of computerized tools in control room design | | Computer aided operation of complex systems - experimental testing and evaluation | | Human errors in test and maintenance in nuclear power plants - Nordic project work | | Towards more realistic assessment of reactor accident consequences - A Nordic project | | PRA uses and techniques - a Nordic perspective | | Heat transfer correlations in nuclear reactor safety calculations - Vol. II | | Heat transfer correlations in nuclear reactor safety calculations - Vol. I | | Bioindicator studies in Nordic waters | | The sampling and analysing methods of radionuclides used in the Nordic countries for environmental samples | | Enlarged Nordic Cooperative Program On Nuclear Safety. Nuclide content in reactor waste | | Nuclide content in reactor waste | | Enlarged Nordic Cooperative Program On Nuclear Safety. Nordic study on reactor waste. Technical Part III Product Characteristics | | Enlarged Nordic Cooperative Program On Nuclear Safety. Nordic study on reactor waste. Technical Part I Reference System & Technical Part II Safety Analysis | | Enlarged Nordic Cooperative Program On Nuclear Safety. Nordic study on reactor waste. Main report | | Nordic study on reactor waste - Tecnical part I, Reference system - Technical part II, Safety analysis | | Nordic study on reactor waste - Technical part III, Product Characteristics | | Nordic study on reactor waste - Main report | | The Labours of Hercules | | Pandora’s Box | | The Toil of Sisyphus | | The Sword of Damocles |
3D Analysis Methods - Study and Seminar. (3.5 MB) |