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List all NKS-B reports

Under the NKS-B programme, activities are grouped under the following research areas:


Radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness
Measurement strategy, technology and quality assurance
Radioecology and environmental assessments
Management of radioactive waste and discharges

pdfIntercomparison exercise of 93Mo and 59Ni analysis in activated steel
pdfThreat and Hazard Assessment Seminar 2024
pdfNKS-B RadWorkshop 2024 proceedings
pdfAssessment of climate change's impacts on radioecological safety of subpolar and Nordic marine environment: Final Report from the NKS-B ANTHROPIC
pdfDISpersion of radioActivity fRom nuclear boMbs (DISARM) – first-year report
pdfDevelopment and testing methods to locate lost gamma-ray sources in ordinary environs by mobile gamma spectrometry, NKS-B REALMORC Report 2023
pdfPrinciple Component Analysis as Applied to Qualitative Analysis of Mobile Measurement and Monitoring Data Sets (PRICOMOB)
pdfTechnical Challenges in Metrological Response to a Nuclear Detonation (TEMEDET)
pdfGammaSkill 2023 Proceedings: Training and seminar for users of gamma-ray spectrometry
pdfRNSARCARDS, Nordic Action Cards for Maritime RNSAR
pdfRNSARBOOK (2022), Nordic Handbook for Search and Rescue in a Maritime Radiological / Nuclear Environment
pdfCOMBMORC - Combined analysis of primary and scattered components in mobile gamma spectrometric data for detection of materials out of regulatory control, NKS-B COMBMORC Report 2022
pdfCOMBMORC - Combined analysis of primary and scattered components in mobile gamma spectrometric data for detection of materials out of regulatory control, NKS-B COMBMORC Report 2021
pdfApplication of biokinetic parameters for some representative accident cases based on state of the art modelling
pdfSOurce CHAracterizatiOn accounting for meTeorologIcal unCertainties (SOCHAOTIC) – final report
pdfRNSARCARDS Exercise Evaluation Report
pdfRESINA – Intercomparison exercise on alpha radionuclide analysis in spent ion exchange resin
pdfCredible release scenarios for nuclear-powered vessels operating in Nordic waters
pdfWorkshop on potential release scenarios from flight testing of nuclear-powered flying vehicles
pdfEvaluation of the bioaccumulation processes for a wide set of radionuclides under accidental releases by biota
pdfSOurce CHAracterizatiOn accounting for meTeorologIcal unCertainties (SOCHAOTIC) – first-year report
pdfDTM-Decom III - Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM beta and gamma emitters in spent ion exchange resin
pdfSource Localization by Inverse Methods (SLIM)
pdfSeminar on the use of nuclear weapons towards a Nordic country: Scenarios, impact assessments and protective measures
pdfAnalysis of the Performance of LaBr3 Detectors for Fresh Fallout Response (PERLAD)
pdfGammaRay X Proceedings: Webinar for users of gamma ray spectrometry
pdfDevelopment of a Resource for the Improvement of National Nuclear Forensics Gamma Spectrometric Core Capabilities (RINFOR)
pdfEcoFood - A tool for assessment of radiation exposure in terrestrial environments impacted by airborne releases
pdfDetection of orphan gamma radiation sources in shielded building geometries by mobile gamma spectrometry. A method of using Compton scattered radiation to estimate the shielding mass thickness of common building material
pdfIntercomparison for separating Pu and Am from environmental samples by a joint radioanalytical method
pdfDTM-Decom II - Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste
pdfRadioecological transfer factors for Nordic subpopulations for assessment of internal committed dose from atmospheric fallout of radiocaesium
pdfDetermination of important alpha emitters in nuclear and environmental samples –OptiMethod 2019 project report
pdfNatural Radioactivity in Nordic Fish and Shellfish – Final report
pdfSHIELDMORC– Detection distances and methods to locate orphan gamma radiation sources in shielded building geometries by mobile gamma spectrometry
pdfSource Localization by Inverse Methods (SLIM)
pdfIntercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste
pdfNKS-B RadWorkshop 2018 proceedings
pdfNKS-B NORCO - Nordic freshwater ecosystem microcosms study
pdfAUTOMORC – Improvement of automatic methods for identification of radioactive material out of regulatory control (MORC) by mobile gamma spectrometric search experiments. Report 2017
pdfMobile search of material out of regulatory control (MORC) – Detection limits assessed by field experiments
pdfAdded Value of uncertainty Estimates of SOurce term and Meteorology (AVESOME)
pdfNatural Radioactivity in Nordic Fish and Shellfish – Summary report 2018
pdfSimultaneous Determination of Isotopes of Pu, Am and Cm in Reactor Water Samples –Report of OptiMethod 2018 project
pdfActivity estimation of shielded or hidden radionuclides in emergency conditions: Impact of environmental conditions
pdfGammaRay 2018 Proceedings: Seminar for users of gamma ray spectrometry
pdfNKS ICP User 2017 Seminar Proceedings
pdfAn inter-comparison exercise on the application of ICP-MS techniques for measurement of long-lived radionuclides
pdfAdded Value of uncertainty Estimates of SOurce term and Meteorology (AVESOME)
pdfComparison of the analytical methods used to determine natural and artificial radionuclides from environmental samples by gamma, alpha and beta spectrometry
pdfEarly Phase Source Term Estimation From Gamma Spectra (EPHSOGAM)
pdfActivity estimation of shielded or hidden radionuclides in emergency conditions
pdfGammaSpec 2017 Proceedings
pdfScenarios and table top exercise concept on events related to traffic of nuclear-powered vessels and transportation of spent nuclear fuel along the Nordic coastline (COASTEX): Report no. 3 - Final report from the NKS-B Project COASTEX
pdfCOASTEX Exercise Guide. Report no. 2 from the NKS-B COASTEX activity
pdfCOASTEX Scenario Report: nine maritime accident scenarios. Report no. 1 from the NKS-B COASTEX activity
pdfMEteorological uncertainty of ShOrt-range dispersion (MESO)
pdfGammaSpec 2016 Proceedings
pdfIntercomparison of Nordic Unmanned Aerial Monitoring Platforms
pdfNordic In Situ gamma Intercomparison. Final Report from NKS-B NISI project (Contract: AFT/B(16)2)
pdfMid-term report for Nordic freshwater ecosystem microcosms pilot study
pdfAn Inter-comparison Exercise on Evaluating the Application of Novel Techniques in Radiochemical Analysis
pdfNuclear icebreaker traffic and transport of radioactive materials along the Nordic coastline: response systems and cooperation to handle accidents (NORCOP-COAST): Final report
pdfFukushima Accident: UNcertainty of Atmospheric dispersion modelling (FAUNA)
pdfNuclear forensics within a Nordic context
pdfEffects of dynamic behaviour of Nordic marine environment to radioecological assessments
pdfStandardization of Radioanalytical Methods for Determination of 63Ni and 55Fe in Waste and Environmental Samples
pdfInternal Dosimetry Exercise for enhanced Ability
pdfNordic Nuclear Accident Consequence Analysis (NORCON): Final Report
pdfAdvanced In-situ Gamma Spectrometry Field Activity – Chernobyl (GAMFAC)
pdfAn overview of current non-nuclear radioactive waste management in the Nordic countries and considerations on possible needs for enhanced inter-Nordic cooperation
pdfNORM-related Mining in Nordic Countries: Legislation, practices and case studies
pdfNOVE: Novel neutron detection methods for nuclear security – Dynamic testing
pdfFukushima Accident: UNcertainty of Atmospheric dispersion modelling (FAUNA)
pdfApplication of Rapid and Automated Techniques in Radiochemical Analysis
pdfCharacterisation of NORM Contaminated Objects: Reliable & Efficient
pdfSemUnaRS – Seminar on Unmanned Radiometric Systems
pdfProgress on Standardization of Radioanalytical Methods for determination of important radionuclides for environmental assessment and waste management in Nordic nuclear industry
pdfEffects of dynamic behaviour of Nordic marine environment to radioecological assessments
pdfGammaUser 2014 Proceedings, 6–8 October 2014 Helsinki, Finland
pdfTHYROIDSEM: Seminar: Assessment of accidental uptake of radioiodine in emergency situations
pdfBuilding a generic voxel phantom of IRINA for Monte Carlo simulations
pdfMobile Measurement: Field Exercise in Fallout Mapping in the Belarusian Exclusion Zone (MOBELRAD)
pdfCommunicating Dispersion Modelling Results to the Public
pdfMeteorological Uncertainty of atmospheric Dispersion model results (MUD)
pdfNovel neutron detection methods for nuclear security
pdfAssessment of accidental uptake of iodine-131 in emergency situations
pdfNordic sharing of experience from radiation emergency preparedness exercises
pdfConsequences of severe radioactive releases to Nordic Marine environment
pdfGammaTest 2013 Proceedings
pdfDoses from natural radioactivity in wild mushrooms and berries to the Nordic population
pdfNKS Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry - Final report
pdfAbstract Book of the NKS Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry, Risø, Roskilde, Denmark, 2-6th September 2013
pdfMeteorological Uncertainty of atmospheric Dispersion model results (MUD)
pdfConsequences of severe radioactive releases to Nordic Marine environment
pdfMobile Measurement Systems, Final Report from NKS-B MOMS (Contract: AFT/B(12)4)
pdfGammaWorkshops 2012 Proceedings
pdfDoses from natural radioactivity in wild mushrooms and berries to the Nordic population. Interim Report from the NKS-B BERMUDA activity
pdfGamma Spectrometric Discrimination of Special Nuclear Materials
pdfNew simple deposition model based on reassessment of global fallout data 1954 – 1976
pdfA Nordic Approach to Impact Assessment of Accidents with Nuclear-Propelled Vessels
pdfNatural Radionuclides in Meadow and Pasture land in the Nordic countries
pdfGammaWorkshops Proceedings
pdfNordic proficiency test for whole body counting facilities
pdfRadiation survey meters used for environmental monitoring
pdfProgress on Radiochemical Analysis for Nuclear Waste Management in Decommissioning
pdfNKS FOOD Final Report
pdfOrphan Sources and Fresh Fallout: Virtual Exercise in Mobile Measurement (ORPEX)
pdfPreparedness Organisations at Nordic nuclear Power Plants
pdfNKS-B NordRisk II: Nuclear risk from atmospheric dispersion in Northern Europe - Summary Report
pdfMethod-MS, final report
pdfNKS NordRisk II: Atlas of long-range atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides from selected risk sites in the Northern Hemisphere
pdfIn-vivo whole body measurement of intern radioactivity in the Nordic countries
pdfBiological dosimetry following exposure to neutrons in a criticality accident
pdfPardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas
pdfGammaSem Proceedings - A Nordic seminar for users of gamma spectrometry - Kjeller 28-29 September 2010
pdfRadiochemical Analysis for Nuclear Waste Management in Decommissioning
pdfWorkshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry for Radioecology and Waste Management: Report, evaluation, abstracts and full papers of presentations.
pdfHair and feathers as indicator of internal contamination of Po-210 and Pb-210
pdfAssessment of weathering and leaching rates of Thule hot particles
pdfNordDSS - report from workshop on the use of Decision Support Systems
pdfGammaSem Proceedings - A Nordic seminar for users of gamma spectrometry - Oslo 15-16 September 2009
pdfPardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas - Status report for the NKS-B
pdfProficiency Test in the Analysis of Gamma Spectra for Malevolent Radiological Situations (MALRAD)
pdfFinal report from the NKS NordThreat seminar in Asker, Norway 30 and 31 October 2008
pdfSpeciation Analysis of Radionuclides in the Environment - NKS-B SPECIATION project report 2009
pdfLong-term decline of radiocaesium in Fennoscandian reindeer
pdfAssessing the impact of releases of radionulides into sewage systems in urban environemnt - simulation, modelling and experimental studies ? LUCIA
pdfUrban Gamma Spectrometry: Report 2
pdfUrban Gamma Spectrometry: Report 1
pdfNKS-B FOREST Seminar, Helsinki, 7-8 October 2008. Proceedings.
pdfAnalysis of remotely accrued complex gamma ray spectra ? proficiency test.
pdfFilling knowledge gaps in radiation protection methodologies for non-human biota - Final
pdfEmergency preparedness exercise for biological dosimetry - BIOPEX (2008).
pdfPardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas. Status report for the NKS-B activity 2008.
pdfEcoDoses. Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems: A status report for the NKS-B activity 2006.
pdfSampling in forests for radionuclide analysis. ? General and practical guidance
pdfKnowledge gaps in relation to radionuclide levels and transfer to wild plants and animals, in the context of environmental impact assessements, and a strategy to fill them
pdfPo-210 and other radionuclides in terrestrial and freshwater environments
pdfOverview of sources of radioactive particles of Nordic relevance as well as a short description of available particle characterisation techniques
pdfNKS NordRisk. Atlas of long-range atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides from selected risk sites in the Northern Hemisphere
pdfSpeciation Analysis of Radionuclides in the Environment. NKS-B Speciation project report 2007
pdfDecision support handbook for recovery of contaminated inhabited areas
pdfPardNor - PARameters for ingestion Dose models for NORdic areas
pdfDevelopment and application of the PCC biodosimetry method in emergency preparedness
pdfYoungRad-seminar. Proceedings. Seminar for young scientists in the fields of radiophysics, radiochemistry, radioecology, radiation protection and related fields.Helsinki 14-15 December 2006
pdfNuclear risks from atmospheric dispersion over Northern Europe. Final report of the NKS-B project NordRisk
pdfNordic Network of Meteorological Services Engaged in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness ? NKS-MetNet
pdfIntercomparison of Laboratory Analyses of Radionuclides in Environmental Samples
pdfProceedings of the Summary Seminar within the NKS-B Programme 2002-2005. 24-25 October 2005, Tartu, Estonia. (Printet report.)
pdfThe NKS-B CommTech seminars on effective use of communication technology in radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness
pdfEmergency Monitoring Strategy and Radiation Measurements. Working Document of the NKS Project Emergency Management and Radiation Monitoring in Nuclear and Radiological Accidents (EMARAD).
pdfProceedings of the Summary Seminar within the NKS-B Programme 2002-2005. 24-25 October 2005, Tartu, Estonia
pdfInventory and Source Term Evaluation of Russian Nuclear Power Plants for Marine Applications
pdfRussian Nuclear Power Plants for Marine Applications
pdfEmergency Management and Radiation Monitoring in Nuclear and Radiological Accidents. Summary Report on the NKS Project EMARAD.
pdfThe NKS-NORCMASS guide to beginners in ICP-MS
pdfNKS-Norcmass reference material for analysis of Pu-isotopes and 237Np by mass spectrometry
pdfNordic Collaboration on the use of Mass-Spectrometers for the Analysis of Radioisotopes. NKS-project NORCMASS. Final report
pdfRADCHEM 2005 - Radiochemical analysis in emergency and routine situations
pdfAssessment of Internal Doses in Emergency Situations
pdfRADCHEM - Radiochemical procedures for the determination of Sr, U, Pu, Am and Cm
pdfEcoDoses - Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems. A status report for the NKS-B project 2005
pdfTheory of Sampling. A mini seminar under the NKS project SAMPSTRAT
pdfNuclear Threats in the Vicinity of the Nordic Countries. Supplementary Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research
pdfHuman metabolism of caesium
pdfEcoDoses. Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems. A status report for the NKS-B project 2004
pdfArea Specific Stripping of lower energy windows for AGS and CGS NaI systems
pdfNKS-B mini-seminar, RADSEM-2004
pdfEcoDoses. Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems. A status report for the NKS-B project 2003
pdfConference on Radioactive Contamination in Urban Areas
pdfECCOMAGS: Initial results from the RESUME 2002 exercise
pdfCo-ordination and modernisation of methods for AGS and CGS measurements of multi-nuclide contamination. Report from a seminar
pdfNuclear Emergency Preparedness in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Countries
pdfTransfer Factors for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
pdfCombining Internet Technology and Mobile Phones for Emergency Response Management
pdfSummaries of studies carried out in the NKS/BOK-2 project - Technical report
pdfNuclear threats in the vicinity of the Nordic countries. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project SBA-1
pdfRadiological and Environmental Consequences. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project BOK-2
pdfIntercomparison of Radionuclides in Environmental Samples 2000-2001
pdfMobile Gamma Spectrometry. Evaluation of the Resume 99 Exercise
pdfProceedings of the 8th Nordic Seminar on Radioecology. 25-28 February 2001, Rovaniemi, Finland
pdfNKS/SRV Seminar on Barents Rescue 2001 LIVEX. Gamma Search Cell
pdfNuclear Emergency Preparedness. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project BOK-1
pdfMeasurements of plume geometry and argon-41 radiation field at the BR1 reactor in Mol, Belgium
pdfTools for forming strategies for remediation of forests and park areas in northern Europe after radioactive contamination: background and techniques
pdfMain Features of Kola, Leningrad and Ignalina NPPs for Emergency Preparedness Purposes
pdfAtmospheric transport and deposition of large particles released during the chernobyl accident
pdfAgricultural Countermeasures in the Nordic Countries after a Nuclear Accident
pdfMKB och SMB i Norden. Seminarium, Åbo 22-24 augusti 2001. EIA and SEA in the Nordic Countries. Seminar, Turku, August 22-24 2001
pdfThe Potential Risks from Russian Nuclear Ships. NKS-SBA-1 Status Report
pdfAccreditation. Its relevance for laboratories measuring radionuclides
pdfThe Use of Synthetic Spectra to Test the Preparedness to Evaluate and Analyze Complex Gamma Spectra
pdfBaltic Nuclear workshop Stockholm March 19 - 20, 2001. Final report
pdfRadiological Emergency Monitoring Systems in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Countries
pdfHUGINN. A late-phase nuclear emergency exercise
pdfSeminar on Detectors and Measurements Techniques. 3-4 May 2001, Lund, Sweden
pdfSource Preparations for Alpha and Beta Measurements
pdfMiljökonsekvensbeskrivningar i Norden Temamöte, Island, 2-6 september 2000. (Environmental Impact Assessments in the Nordic Countries. Meeting, Iceland, September 2-6, 2000.)
pdfNKS 1999 intercomparison of measurements of radioactivity
pdfEcological Half-lives of Radioactive elements in Semi-natural Systems
pdfSampling methods. A survey of methods in use in the Nordic Countries
pdfA Guide to Countermeasures for Implementation in the Event of a Nuclear Accident Affecting Nordic Food-Producing Areas
pdfRESUME 99. Rapid Environmental Surveying Using Mobile Equipment
pdfEmergency exercises and information exchange. Does practice make perfect?
pdfMarine Radioecology. Final reports from sub-projects within the Nordic Nuclear Safety. Research Programme Project EKO-1
pdfMarine Radioecology
pdfOverriding Information Issues
pdfEmergency Exercise Scenario Tools
pdfPreparedness Strategy and Procedures
pdfRESUME 95 Rapid Environmental Surveying Using Mobile Equipment
pdfFrån jord till bord. EKO-3.4 Rapport 1997
pdfOperational Intervention Levels in a Nuclear Emergency, General Concepts and a Probabilistic Approach
pdfReclamation of contaminated urban and rural environments following a severe nuclear accident
pdfEarly Phase Clean-Up Actions after Nuclear Accidents
pdfReport for the second meeting on Nordic dispersion / Trajectory model intercomparison with the ETEX-1 full-scale experiment NKS/EKO-4 intercomparison/validation exercise held at FMI, Helsinki, 4th and 5th December 1996
pdfEvaluation Report of the Nordic-Baltic Annex to the INEX-2-FIN-Exercise April 17, 1997
pdfTechnical Report EKO-2.1 The sheep project 1996
pdfDose Rate Measurements and Action Levels in the Event of a Nuclear Accident: Variational Analysis
pdfEvaluation of sediment sampling devices and methods used in the NKS/EKO-1 project
pdfEvaluation of early phase nuclear accident clean-up procedures for Nordic residential areas
pdfAccidents in Nuclear Ships
pdfNordic System for Data and Information Exchange - Report from meetings with the authorities, and proposal for further work
pdfAn intercomparison exercise on radionuclides in sediment samples
pdfBasis for Nordic Operational Intervention. Levels Methodology for deriving Operational Intervention Levels
pdfThe use of natural products for consumption in Denmark
pdfSoil ingestion in farm animals - A review
pdfHåndbok for atomberedskap i Norden Revidert utgave (see also NKS-76)
pdfInformation and communication - in the event of abnormal situations relating to nuclear power
pdfTechnical Report EKO-2.3 Long ecological half-lives of radionuclides in Nordic Limnic systems
pdfMonitoring artificial radioactivity in the Nordic countries
pdfTechnical Report EKO-2.2 Transfer of radiocesium via mushrooms to roe deer and man
pdfTechnical Report EKO-2.1 The sheep project 1994-1995
pdfReport of the Nordic Dispersion-/Trajectory Model Comparison with the ETEX-1 Fullscale Experiment - NKS/EKO-4 Intercomparison/validation Exercise held at Risø, Denmark, 6-7 June 1995
pdfNordic Nuclear Emergency Exercises
pdfIntervention principles and levels in the event of a nuclear accident
pdfDispersion prognoses and consequences in the environment - a Nordic development and harmonization effort
pdfThe Nordic emergency preparedness programme 1990-93
pdfEvaluation report of the Nordic emergency exercise Odin - November 26, 1993
pdfEvaluation report of the Nordic emergency exercise Nora - January 14, 1993
pdfAlgae as Bioindicators for radionuclides in Nordic Coastal Wasters - A miniseminar held at Forsmark, Sweden Oct. 16-17 1990 under the sponsorship of NKS
pdfRadioecology in Nordic Limnic Systems - present knowlegde and future prospects
pdfDeposition and removal of radioactive substances in an urban area
pdfInformation technology for emergency management
pdfEnvironmental consequences of releases from nuclear accidents - a Nordic perspective
pdfAerosol transport in servere reactor accidents
pdfBehaviour of Marine Pollutants Studied by Radioecological Methods
pdfNordisk radioekologi - en sammanfattning av 4 års nordiskt samarbete
pdfRadiological implications of coal and peat utilization in the Nordic countries
pdfBioindicator studies in Nordic waters
pdfThe sampling and analysing methods of radionuclides used in the Nordic countries for environmental samples
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